Writing Thesis Statements An Interactive Activity to Develop Effective Writing Skills
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a complete sentence. It serves as the guide for the essay. It gives the reader direction. Where am I going? ESSAY
Characteristics Addresses the prompt clearly Makes a claim and presents a reason Presents an argument Is arguable (an opinion or attitude) In first paragraph of essay
What is a thesis NOT? A factual statement Does not state the obvious Example: Many people died when the Titanic sunk in the ocean.
Steps to creating a thesis STEP 1 – Name topic. EXAMPLE – “Disney Princesses ” STEP 2 – Create a question: What is important? What is interesting? Is something particularly good or bad? EXAMPLE – “Are Disney Princesses damaging role models?” STEP 3 – THESIS: Make a judgment / make it specific. EXAMPLE – Disney princesses are bad role models because they place too much emphasis on the Prince”
Let’s try to spot a thesis! On each of the following slides, read the topic and question and the two options of thesis statements. Click on the one that is the best choice for a thesis
1. Topic: My Hero: Babe Ruth 2. Question: Why is Babe Ruth my hero. 3 1. Topic: My Hero: Babe Ruth 2. Question: Why is Babe Ruth my hero? 3. Choose the BEST thesis: Option A One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball from 1914 until 1935. Option B One person I admire is Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball player of all time.
Incorrect Option A One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball from 1914 until 1935. This is a factual statement. A thesis statement should be something you can argue for or against.
Correct! Great Job! Option B One person I admire is Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball player of all time. This statement addresses the topic and question, and presents an opinion that can be argued.
1. Topic: Geographic features in Latin America 2 1. Topic: Geographic features in Latin America 2. Question: Which geographic features are the most important? 3. Thesis: Option A The Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and Yucatan Peninsula are the three most significant physical features in Latin America because of their impact on people’s lives. Option B Three physical features found in Latin America are the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan Peninsula.
Correct! You are getting this! Option A The Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and Yucatan Peninsula are the three most significant physical features in Latin America because of their impact on people’s lives. This statement gives an argument, it presents the three physical features asked for in the question, and makes reference to the importance (significance). It also makes a claim and gives a reason.
Almost! But not quite. Option B Three physical features found in Latin America are the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan Peninsula. This is a factual statement. To make it a strong thesis, you must add to it.
1. Youth in the 1920s 2. What was life like for teenagers in the 1920s 1. Youth in the 1920s 2. What was life like for teenagers in the 1920s? 3. Thesis: Option A Teenagers in the 1920s spent most of their time in school or working. Option B Teenagers ‘ lives in the 1920s were more rigid and restricted than teenagers’ lives today.
This one is tricky! Option A This is a factual statement. Teenagers in the 1920s spent most of their time in school or working and did not play a lot of video games. This is a factual statement.
Correct! You are on a roll! Option B Teenagers ‘ lives in the 1920s were more rigid and restricted than teenagers’ lives today. This statement gives an argument. You can then support your argument that life was rigid by comparing and contrasting it to life today. It tells the reader exactly how you will justify your answer.
Your Turn!! You will now apply what you learned by writing your own thesis statement When reading back your thesis, ask yourself a few questions… 1. Topic: Change over Time (600 CE- 1550 CE) 2. Question: How did Europe change between 600 CE- 1550 CE 3. Thesis: ???
Tips for Into Paragraph 3 step formula Give historical background on topic Present your question, either as a question or as a problem… Ex. Which of these problems is the most important? Or It is often debated what is the most important cause? Give your thesis (one sentence, debate-able, covers whole paper)
Example The French Revolution was sparked by many problems economically, politically, and socially. However, many historians have debated which of these problems is the most significant. The economic problems faced by France are the most significant because these issues are the root of Frances other concerns.
The French Revolution stemmed from centuries of repression, fiscal irresponsibility, and a king with absolute power. However, understanding which of these factors is at the source of the this conflict is crucial to understanding the Revolution itself. The irresponsible economic policies used by France are the most significant source because these issues are the root of Frances other concerns.
Change over time During the time period of 600 to 1550 CE Europe was emerging as a unique civilization. These next few centuries saw enormous change in Europe. While change in Europe is complex we can best explore it through economics. Europe changed economically in this time by expanding from and isolated, agricultural civilization, to expanding trade routes and the growth of banking, until Europe eventually becomes a large interconnected Empire.
Can I argue against this statement?
Can I write a whole essay based on this thesis?
Is it grammatically correct? Adapted from mr_rodriguez23 on Apr 20, 2008 http://www.slideshare.net/mr_rodriguez23/thesis-identifying-activity