IEEE 1609 Working Group – Project Status Report Date: 2009-05-11 Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Thomas M Kurihara IEEE P1609 WG Chair 3800 Fairfax Drive #207 Arlington, VA 22203 USA +1 (703)516-9650
IEEE P1609 Working Groups Status T. M. Kurihara Chair, IEEE P1609 Working Groups May 11, 2009
What’s New Since January 2009? Successful meetings in February and March 2009 Still planned is a meeting in Troy, MI, in June, pending confirmation of availability of conference room facilities at the SAE Headquarters by T. Schaffnit, Chair, SAEJ2735 Teleconference discussions to progress various parts of the 1609 drafts have been authorized and continues Drafts will be able before the June meeting Access to the publicly available documents are accessible at:
PROGRAM OF WORK IEEE P1609.0™, WAVE – Architecture (PAR open until December 2010) IEEE P1609.1TM-2006(Revision), WAVE - Resource Manager IEEE P1609.2TM-2006(Revision), WAVE - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages IEEE P1609.3TM-2007(Revision), WAVE - Networking Services IEEE P1609.4TM-2006(Revision), WAVE - Multi-channel Operations IEEE P1609.5™, WAVE – Communication Manager (Project Authorization Request (PAR) open until September 2012) IEEE P1609.11™ - WAVE - Over-the-Air Data Exchange Protocol for ITS Interoperability – Electronic Payment Services (PAR open until December 2013) Note: P1609 family of standards are intended to operate with IEEE P802.11p, Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) and is the wireless communication system component of the U. S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program and the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Initiative using 5.9GHz Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allocated wireless spectrum for North America.
IEEE 1609 WAVE ARCHITECTURE Draft as of March 30, as developed during the March WG meeting in San Diego
IEEE P1609 WG SCHEDULE Meetings June 16-18, 2009, SAE HQ, Troy, MI, (pending availability of a conference room) June 17, 2009, Joint Meeting with SAE J2735 (date confirmed, location pending availability) August 4-6, 2009, San Diego, CA October 20-22, 2009, Annapolis, MD Meetings to be scheduled at 2-3 month intervals until program of work is completed
IEEE P1609 Project Editors 1609.0 – J.Moring/F. Simon / 1609.1Rev – A. Malarky 1609.2 Rev – W. Whyte 1609.3 Rev – J. Moring 1609.4 Rev – J. Moring 1609.5 – J. Moring 1609.11 – J. McNew Device Test & Certification – R. Roebuck
LIAISON CONTACTS Vehicle Safety Consortium-A The following are either confirmed or pending liaisons to other organizations: SAE Technical Committee, DSRC Message Sets and Message Framework (J2735) D. Kavner VII Consortium (VIIC) S. Andrews Vehicle Safety Consortium-A J. Kenney ISO TC204 WG16, CALM M5 R. Roy See: WG16 public docs: ASTM Committee E17.51 (E2313-03) L. Armstrong IEEE P802.11p Task Group (802.11™-2007 as amended) Omni-Air Consortium (Conformance and Test of WAVE Systems) R. Roebuck IEEE Standards Department, Program Manager M. Ceglia IEEE RAC Member – T. Kurihara, IEEE VTS/ITS, P1609 WG Chair - TIA TR-48, Vehicular Telematics (Chartered August 2007) – T. Kurihara, IEEE VTS/ITS ETSI TC-ITS/ISO TC204/WG16 CALM/IEEE 1609/802.11 ad hoc - WAVE in North America (IEEE 802.11p Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.11) K.1 Introduction This Annex provides additional descriptions and requirements for implementing WAVE for stations in North America. The primary purpose of the WAVE mode in North America is to provide wireless communications between RSUs and OBUs at highway speeds. The FCC in the US and the CRTC in Canada are the regulatory authorities governing the 5.850-5.925 GHz band (5.9 GHz Band) use of spectrum for non-federal government users. In North America the FCC and CRTC provide oversight in the operations of stations including the Band Plan, Power Limits, Emission Limits, Antenna height, and Control Channel-Service Channel Usage (see CFR Title 47) . An RSU shall be restricted to the geographic region where it is licensed to operate. Portable or hand-held RSUs are permitted to operate on the Control Channel and Service Channels where they do not interfere with another RSU according to its site registration. K.2 WAVE Channelization Clause defines the WAVE Band and Channels of operation in North America. Stations can communicate on seven 10 MHz channels in a special band for which DSRC is a primary user and unlicensed operation is prohibited. In the 5.850 to 5.925 GHz band only the WAVE mode shall be used. K.3 Priority Communications for Public Safety The FCC categorizes WAVE applications into safety of life, public safety, and private. Two channels, Channel 172 and Channel 184, are reserved for communications of public safety applications Only User priorities 4, 5, 6, and 7 defined in IEEE P802.11e™, Clause 6.1.1, shall be used for public safety applications. K.4 WAVE Channel priority screening The SME shall implement a mechanism to screen messages that are created with high priorities and are intended to be transmitted on Channels 172 and 184. If a packet is destined for Channel 172 or 184 it must have a priority level of 4, 5, 6, or 7. If it does not the packet 1 will be rejected and a response will be sent to indicate that this process has failed.
Supplemental Information related to the IEEE P1609 projects Attended ETSI TC-ITS meeting, discussed view point of IEEE P1609™ and for projects and related activities in the US and elsewhere at February 3-5, 2009 Potential similarity of work products were raised and discussed; potential changes addressed regarding the new work items to be submitted for European Council funding ETSI TC-ITS is oriented toward a station architecture and not a radio device architecture described by IEEE 1609™ Support for international involvement from the US Department of Transportation, Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration (RITA) is pending for both IEEE 802.11™ and IEEE 1609™ Support for expert consultant services to progress security services for P1609.2™ is pending, an essential component of the IEEE 1609™ family of revised standards Additional discussions are pending with ISO TC204 WG16 and ETSI TC-ITS Working groups in June 2009 to address any potential differences in architecture view points and functionality of the use of the 5.9GHz band allocated in for North America and the 5.8GHz band allocated for the EU Several work items proposed for EC funding in ETSI TC-ITS, appear to have elements similar to P802.11p and P1609 projects that will be addressed at subsequent ETSI TC-ITS meetings by liaison representatives from IEEE
Related Projects – SAE J2735 SAE Ground Vehicle Systems Technical Committee J2735, Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary (Started:12/03/03) SCOPE (Extracted from J2735-D25 (08-12-08)) “This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. This SAE Recommended Practice specifies standard message sets, data frames and data elements for use by applications intended to utilize the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE, referenced in this document simply as “DSRC”), communications systems. The scope is limited to specifying initial representative message structure and providing sufficient background information to allow readers to properly interpret the DSRC standards and message definitions from the point of view of an application developer.” STATUS Draft J2735-D32, pending approval and publication in 2009 CONTACT T. Schaffnit
Related Projects – ETSI ITS Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) provide communications between a vehicle and the roadside in specific locations, for example toll plazas. They may then be used to support specific Intelligent Transport System applications such as Electronic Fee Collection. DSRC are for data-only systems and operate on radio frequencies in the 5,725 MHz to 5,875 MHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. DSRC systems consist of Road Side Units (RSUs) and the On Board Units (OBUs) with transceivers and transponders. The DSRC standards specify the operational frequencies and system bandwidths, but also allow for optional frequencies which are covered (within Europe) by national regulations. DSRC systems are used in the majority of European Union countries, but these systems are currently not totally compatible. Therefore, standardization is essential in order to ensure pan-European interoperability, particularly for applications such as electronic fee collection, for which the European imposes a need for interoperability of systems. Standardization will also assist with the provision and promotion of additional services using DSRC, and help ensure compatibility and interoperability within a multi-vendor environment. CEN TC 278 produced the following standards: EN 12253, EN 12795, EN 12834 [ISO 15628], EN302 571, and EN 13372 for DSRC Reference: Contact: K. Evensen