Housekeeping, Health & Safety
Housekeeping FIRE!! FIRE! FIRE!
We’re not expecting a fire alarm test today so if the alarm sounds, please follow the tutor out of the building to the assembly point which is the car park at the rear of the building Comfort breaks – out of the door, turn right, up the stairs, turn left First aid – there’s a first aid box at reception should anyone need it
Breaks We’ll have:- A ten minute break during the morning Lunch 12.30 – 13.15 A ten minute break during the afternoon Aiming to end for 15.00
Please make sure your phones are on silent and away in your bags We WILL be having breaks so you will be able to check them during the breaks! Please make sure your phone is on silent and away in your bag
Please show respect for your fellow learners and allow everyone to have a voice! Remember that if someone does something, or thinks, differently to you, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong! Please try to keep discussions to the point in question Please engage in the activities – they’re for your benefit!