We Are Never Getting Back Together Taylor Swift
The Most EPIC Break Up Letter EVER! See a friend for the answers we reviewed in class!
Construction of the Declaration Preamble: Introduction and statement of purpose British Wrongs: List of grievances that provide specific examples to show how the king does not meet the rules of government the colonies wanted. Declaration: formal statement announcing the 13 colonies are no longer under the ruling of the British empire.
Processing Activity Recreate the Declaration of Independence as a break up letter that a person might send today. Be sure to include the same information the colonists included: a summary of the relationship, the British wrongs, and the declaration of breaking up. Be creative but keep it school appropriate
Example Hey Boo, I’m not sure how to start this letter, but I feel we need to talk. I’ve been thinking about us a lot lately. Things used to be so great. It was like we were MFEO (made for each other). I mean, everyone said it was perfect. I really thought we’d be together forever, but then things changed. I feel like you started taking me for granted. You just started to do whatever you wanted and never asked me about anything or how I felt. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I think it’s time we broke up. I mean, it’s just not going to work. I need some time by myself to see what it is like on my own. I’m sorry things didn’t work out, but I do think YOU are the one to blame. Sorry but “us” is over. Sincerely, The American Colonies