State of the School Address 2016-17 Beginning of Year Daniel Webster Middle School A Model School of Excellence
Daniel Webster Middle School A Model School of Excellence Yvonne Brown Principal Minerva Cruz Assistant Principal Brian Prince Dean of Students
Daniel Webster Middle School Our staff members serve a diverse population of 652 students in 6th through 8th grade participating in: National Junior Honors Society Student Council Sports After School Clubs Tutoring
Daniel Webster Middle School Our Mission Daniel Webster promotes a positive learning environment that creates a passion for lifelong learning and supports high academic and social emotional achievement that prepares students to be productive citizens within their community. All students work towards achieving their learning and social emotional goals by: Meeting attendance requirements Understanding learning goals and school-wide expectations Receiving and providing frequent and specific feedback Making connections to real world situations Actively participating in their learning Demonstrating positive PBIS practices Accepting diverse perspectives, cultures, and learning styles Communicating a belief of success We are a Model School of Excellence… Committed to providing students the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be lifelong learners.
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support Core Values Take a Stand We know that it’s possible to give every child an opportunity to go to college. We are smart and strategic about the things we choose to do. Right is Right We hold ourselves and each other to uncommonly high standards. We do what’s right for our students – even it it’s difficult to do. All Hands We encourage rigorous debate, voice our best ideas, and communicate respectfully. We’re in this together and assume the best of others. Stretch It We invest in our own and others’ development. We encourage each other to excel through actionable feedback. The J-Factor We believe that learning should be fun and feel the same way about our work. We celebrate our successes – big and small, and take the time to appreciate others.
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support Additional Highlights What’s New for 2016-2017 New Initiative List Multi-tiered System of Support Thinking Maps Coaching Cycles (data)
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support Student Achievement Goals Metric 2016 – 2017 School Goals Districtwide Attendance Rate 95% High School Graduation Rate 85% Freshmen of Track Rate 90% FAFSA Completion Rate 50% EOY Benchmark Reading and Math Attainment There will be a 15% Increase in Students At/Above Grade Level at Each Grade 9-10 BOY to EOY Benchmark Reading and Math Growth 80% of Students will Meet or Exceed Growth Target Suspensions There will be a 50% reduction in suspensions Parent/Teacher Conference Attendance Teachers will meet with 80% of parents during conferences
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support School Improvement Plan Goals Teachers will design, implement and evaluate high quality and rigorous literacy performance assessments and unit plans aligned to CCSS to ensure all students meet/exceed standards. Teachers will strategically scaffold instruction through the implementation of Expeditionary Learning to ensure all students access to complex, grade-level appropriate texts and tasks. Students targeted through RTI assessments will receive structured interventions (individualized instruction from the classroom teacher, small group instruction, and pull-out, one to one tutoring, flexible groupings) to raise achievement levels in Reading and Mathematics. Teachers will implement ELL program to ensure an increase in English literacy skills.
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support Attendance Rates
Daniel Webster Middle School BOY Benchmark Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Benchmark Narrative Statement regarding MAP results, who tested, why, goals Students in Waukegan Public Schools participate in benchmark assessments in Reading and Math three times during the school year to measure student achievement. We are able to disaggregate student achievement into performance levels that help teachers know which students are ready to accelerate their learning and which students need extra assistance. In addition, benchmark assessment results also highlight which concepts or skills students have mastered or are ready to learn and provide details to teachers for lesson planning. You may receive a copy of such a report during conferences or at another time during the year. At Daniel Webster, all students in grades 6-8 participated in the BOY NWEA MAP Reading and Math assessments in September. Individual student results will be presented at your child’s upcoming conference. Our goal is to see 80% of our students meet their growth target.
BOY Benchmark Math Attainment Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Benchmark Math Attainment Percent of Students At or Above Grade Level
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Math Attainment Overall
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Math Attainment Grade 6
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Math Attainment Grade 7
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Math Attainment Grade 8
BOY Benchmark Reading Attainment Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Benchmark Reading Attainment Percent of Students At or Above Grade Level
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Reading Attainment Overall
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Reading Attainment Grade 6
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Reading Attainment Grade 7
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support BOY Reading Attainment Grade 8
Growth Target Attainment Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support 2016-17 Benchmark Math Growth Target Attainment Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding their Growth Target
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support 2015-16 Benchmark Math Growth Target Attainment Overall This slide won’t show until Winter and Spring Graphic depicting the current performance rates for all middle schools.
Growth Target Attainment Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support 2016-17 Benchmark Reading Growth Target Attainment Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding their Growth Target
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support 2015-16 Benchmark Reading Growth Target Attainment Overall This slide won’t show until Winter and Spring Graphic depicting the current performance rates for all middle schools.
Daniel Webster Middle School IL State Assessment - PARCC Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support IL State Assessment - PARCC Narrative Statement regarding Parcc results, who tested, why, goals Students across Illinois participate in the state PARCC assessments in Reading and Math in the spring of the year to measure student achievement. PARCC is a….. At Daniel Webster, students in grades 6-8 participated. Individual student results will be presented at your child’s upcoming conference. Our goal for the 2016-2017 School Year is to have 62% of students in grades 6-8 to meet or exceed standards. We will connect Reading and Writing, increase instruction in Vocabulary Development, continue to implement CCSS, and increase interventions for Bilingual and Special Education students.
2016 PARCC Math Attainment Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support 2016 PARCC Math Attainment Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding Grade Level Expectations
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support PARCC Math Attainment Overall
Daniel Webster Middle School Inspire-Challenge-Engage-Support PARCC ELA Attainment Overall