Impacting your community one child at a time September 28, 2017 C.A.S.A. Of South Central Missouri
What is CASA of South Central MO? CASASCMO is a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization Funded by donations and grants “Investors” Governed by a Board of Directors 7 current employees 4 Full-time 3 Part-time
Mission Advocate for timely placement of abused or neglected children in safe permanent homes. Advocate for the highest quality of care while children are under the courts jurisdiction.
C.A.S.A. Court Appointed Special Advocates Community Advocacy Service Ambition
C.A.S.A. WHO Community Advocacy Service Ambition WHAT WHY
Community Geographical Social Collaborative Shared Place Shared Values Shared Objectives
Community – Geographical Same place or shared space 25th Judicial Circuit (Maries, Phelps, Pulaski, and Texas Counties)
Community - Geographical National Program Missouri CASA Circuits/ Counties CASA of South Central Missouri
Community – Social Common attitudes, interests, and goals What goals do we have for our children? Love, protect, and cherish children
Community – Collaborative Common objectives Judge Soukup (1977) Cases are complicated A member of the community works with members of the court and CD
Advocacy – What do we do? What does a CASA Volunteer do? Who do they talk to? What do they do for a child?
Advocacy vs. Mentoring Courtroom Advocacy Being a mentor Fostering Futures Training Longevity and aging out
Service Making oneself available and at another’s disposal Program, child, and community Transcends one child What can 200 kids do?
Ambition As a program As a volunteer As a child 2020 goal Consistency, hope, and advocacy As a child Rise above the past and give back to the community
Today CASA of South Central MO has 88 volunteers and served 200 children in the 25th Circuit in 2016. There are normally between 350 - 500 children in the 25th Judicial Circuit (477) There are now around 1000 programs nationwide that recruit, train and support volunteers in 50 states and the US Virgin Islands.
Support Visit our website at for upcoming opportunities Like us on Facebook (CASA of South Central MO)