Please Pick up Handouts T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. Together Everyone Achieves More With Organization, Respect, and Kindness WELCOME!! 2018-2019 SCHS CHEER MEETING Please Pick up Handouts
Contact Information Head Cheer Coach Assistant Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Charmaine Jewell Brad Butler 281.245.3858 Assistant Principal Dana Green Associate Athletic Director Carla Newsom 281.245.3182 281.245.3629
Must be Filled Out by May 12th! FORMS “Yellow Packet” NCA Summer Camp Waiver NCA Championship Waiver: Participant T-5 T-6 Arbiter Athlete Must be Filled Out by May 12th!
“The Rule Book” Alvin ISD HS Cheer Handbook Handbook Contract: Everyone Signed @ Tryouts Remember that everyone is accountable for knowing the handbook Commitment is March 2018-May 2019 Absences Injury Notifications/Note from Dr. Common Infractions
Play # 1: Fundraiser(s) CHOCOLATE HUGE SUCCESS Play # 1: Fundraiser(s) CHOCOLATE HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you for every ones participation!! Current Profit: $3724 Additional: $300 should be coming in
Play # 1: Fundraiser(s) Next Up: CAR WASH Play # 1: Fundraiser(s) Next Up: CAR WASH! May 12th Car Wash 9am-1:30pm Sonic on Shadow Creek Pkwy Each Cheerleader/Manager/Mascot/Stunt Crew Member will sell 5 tickets! 2 shifts available WOULD LOVE TO HAVE PARENTS VOLUNTEER! Also need: water hoses, cooler with drinks, and snacks
Play #2: time out Physicals: There is a New Program “Arbiter Athlete” Your Physical must be dated 3/18-6/18 to participate EVERYONE must sign up… Parents will get an email to do their portion Cheerleader/Mascot Text S40757 to 69274
Play #3: “You Have to Practice” Summer Workouts 15 Summer Hours Required 5 are required to be cheer specific with a professional in a gym 10 are conditioning hours. 7.5 hours can be signed off by any adult. Log Sheet must be turned in 1st day of July practice Workout Attached. Will also send other ideas on GroupMe
Play #3: “You Have to Practice” Summer Practice Summer Practice Dates July 9th-13th Time 6:00am-11:00am MANDATORY
Play #4: CHEER CAMP Cheer Camp July 16-18th Tentative Schedule We will be hosting at our campus This means we NEED VOLUNTEERS! Varsity/JV be looking for emails with details about plans!
Play #4: CHEER CAMP NEED VOLUNTEERS: Sunday, July 15th we will need help setting up the campus Wednesday, July 18th Tear Down Help Mon-Wed, July 16-18th Work Concessions **Need every cheerleader to donate** 1 case of Gatorade 1 case of Water **Jason’s Deli: we will selling Jason’s Deli to other campuses for $10 (profit of $4), we will offer to SC cheer at value**
Play #5: FOOTBALL SEASON Schedule for Varsity is Posted JV is required to work the first half of all varsity home football games. They will Cheer 3rd and 4th of home games. **Everyone rides the bus to and from games when off campus** JV Schedule will be posted by end the end of the school year
Play #6: Booster Club Super Important for our Success! Please Join and Participate! Next Meeting is May 16th 6pm July we will begin getting sponsors: Goal is everyone 1-2 All of our fundraisers will officially go through Booster Club Apparel Fundraiser Chocolate/Nothing Bundt Cakes in Fall Cheer Clinic Car Wash Jason’s Deli Gatorade/Water Fundraiser
Play #7: COMPETITION We will have a meeting in December for the Spring with more details about competition! Current Update: Varsity and JV will compete at UIL/State Varsity will all go to NCA Nationals However, we will only compete with 11.
“Huddle up” QUESTIONS! Student Sign Up For Car Wash Parent Sign Up For Car Wash: Hoses, Drinks, Snacks Volunteers for Camp Set Up, Concessions, and Tear Down Student and Parent