From classification tables to object/class/reference libraries Study Kjell Ivar Bakkmoen, Sector manager Norwegian council for building standardization (NBR) Lars Bjørkhaug Norwegian Building Research Institute (NBI) Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
From classification tables to object/class/reference libraries POSC/CAESAR (EPISTLE Based) Exists with 20.000 offshore objects (many of them ordinary built objects) Orientated towards being an information structure Positive to extension onshore Norwegian based and international - Will be an ISO standard (ISO 15926) BAS (EPISTLE Based) Dutch effort to build a common information system/structure - LexiCon NAUTICUS Ship building, Norwegian based Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
From classification tables to object/class/reference libraries STEP (ISO/TC 184/SC 4/WG 3/T 22) (Traditional data modelling) AP 225 Building - BCCM - AP 221 Process plant etc. - Parts Library ISO/TC 59/SC 13 (Classification tables) ISO/DIS 12006-2 ISO/WI 12006-3 IAI (Traditional data modelling) Fragmented, geometric orientation International Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Minimal approach Comprehensive model with all classes and relations explicit defined in conceptual schema (Application model) More comprehensive Less Minimal approach leaving decission to agreement on project level Minimal approach supported by classification in internal or external tables Small schema Large schema Application oriented Neutral - generic Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Comprehensive model with all classes and relations explicit defined in conceptual schema (Application model) Layered approach with a core plus domain/aspect models Minimal approach supported by classification in internal or external tables Small schema Large schema Application oriented Neutral - generic Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Concepts corre- sponding to all information types Few high level concepts in core from which specializing is done, creating more concepts in domain or aspect models Small schema Large schema Few high level concepts in conceptual schema Main features for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Concepts in schema Model = Schema Concepts is mainly in domain or aspect models Model = Domain models following and communicating via core model Small schema Large schema Concepts as classification Model = Words following grammary in high level model Main features for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach STEP AP225 STEP BCCM Small schema Large schema IAI/IFC POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Existing models according to main features Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach New concept (new object) is new ’box’ in schema. Has to be drawn into schema (in next release) New door(type) is new ’box’ in schema in next release Has to be hard- coded in application New group of concepts are new domain model. New concept is new ’box’ in domain model New door(type) maybe enumeration if door domain/aspect exist, else a new domain/ aspect/box has to be drawn into schema in next release Has to be hard- coded in application New concept (new object) is new class (new record in db), like new word in a glossary New door(type) is new class (record in db) Will be recognized by application under- standing the high level model STEP AP225 STEP BCCM IAI/IFC POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Handling of physical concept/class/object i.e door Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach New types of relations are new definitions (hardcoded in next release) New relation is new line in schema Has to be hard- coded in application New types of relations are new definitions (hardcoded in next release) New relation is new line in schema Has to be hard- coded in application New types of relations are classes (records in db) New relation is new record in db (class?) Will be recognized by application under- standing the high level model STEP AP225 STEP BCCM IAI/IFC POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Handling of relations or associations Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Attributes are separate concepts ’box’ in schema Mainly missing, due to complexity) has be handled as text Values of attributes are usually normal text => not computer sensible Some shared attributes are classes on their own. Most attributes are handled in standardized property sets Other attributes may be handled as normal text Values of attributes are usually normal text => not computer sensible All concepts, also attributes/properties are classes on their own (records in db) Also standardized values of attributes are classes (records in db) Computer sensible STEP AP225 STEP BCCM IAI/IFC POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Handling of attributes / properties Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach New attribute fire class will be text or has to be drawn into schema (in next release) Has to be hard- coded in application New atribute fire class will be new property set New value for fire class will be text up to user Has to be hard- coded in application New attribute fire class will be new class = new record New value for fire Computer sensible STEP AP225 STEP BCCM IAI/IFC POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Handling of attributes / properties Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Advantage Drawback POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Difficult Additions/development Easy IAI/IFC STEP BCCM STEP AP225 Main characteristics for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Advantage Drawback STEP AP225 STEP BCCM IAI/IFC Difficult First implentation Easy POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Main characteristics for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Advantage Drawback POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Difficult New implentations Easy IAI/IFC STEP BCCM STEP AP225 Main characteristics for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach Advantage Drawback POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Application based Generic IAI/IFC STEP BCCM STEP AP225 Main characteristics for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Different types of product models Explicit approach Layered approach Minimal approach POSC/Caesar EPISTLE BAS Advantage Drawback STEP IAI/IFC Small Industry support Considerable STEP AP225 STEP BCCM Main characteristics for different product models Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Conclusions The EPISTLE POSC/Caesar type data model is an appropriate basis for the development of a reference library. There is a need for user friendly and easily managed tools for populating the library. There is also a need for an API for implementers and software developers. The flexibility of the model gives a need for a set of rules on how to populate the library. There will be a need to focus on a subset of the model to minimise problems of complexity, like exemplified by the work of BAS/Kees Woestenenk with the Lexicon. The library should be built by industry stakeholders particularly those who have been active in de facto modelling for many years as suppliers of specification systems, building product information systems and classification systems Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Further work Contribute to the harmonisation of POSC/Caesar and AP221. Develop an understanding of the model and a “handbook” for populating the reference-library. Continue the testing of POSC/Caesar by modelling early phase problems and use of resources. Test if the IFC can be used as graphical representation of objects in the reference library. Populate the reference library with objects identified in standards and specification systems. Decide which objects to model in the library. Functional Units ( functional objects ), Technical Solutions ( physical objects )... Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018