Sustaining exits from long-term homelessness Sustaining exits from long-term homelessness? Results from a four year randomized controlled trial Associate Professor Guy Johnson RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia Paper presented at the Sustaining Exits out of Homelessness, Dublin September 27 2016
Evaluation framework PROCESS – OUTCOMES study that monitors and connects the program cycle of: service inputs activities outputs short to long-term outcomes OUTCOMES ELEMENT Experimental design with a randomised control group Longitudinal study following two equivalent groups of people with experiences of chronic homelessness over four years. PROCESS ELEMENT Documents processes, program implementation and refinement of the service model within a theory of best practice Connects processes with outcomes through the use of evaluation logic models Strong service and evaluation governance through expert reference and working groups, and steering committees
Select characteristics (both groups), n=83 unless specified Valid N sizes – a,c=81; b=57;d=39. All others N=83
Housing outcomes at 48 months The most significant thing that’s changed is having a space that’s my own and slowly losing the anxiety that I built up through not having a place of my own (Andrew, 41,1085) Average amount of time to obtain housing: J group (J2SI – treatment) 6.7 months MS2H 9.3 months E group (control) 13.7 months
Mental well being
Hospital use
Economic participation
Social support and acceptance
Cost benefit results
Housing outcomes at 72 months: Survey data only (n=48) Figure 3: Proportion housed, survey data only (%)
Housing outcomes at 72 months: Survey and agency data
For more information about the J2SI evaluation: For the long-term homeless the transition out involves more than the provision of housing, but is a complex material, physical and cognitive transition that involves leaving behind established social networks, social practices, routines, and roles that are often integral to each individuals sense of identity and belonging. For more information about the J2SI evaluation: Go to: or contact Guy Johnson