Our z/OS System Setup Company Name Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming 55 minutes Virtual Storage & Address Space Concepts 45 minutes Working with System Data Sets 45 minutes Working with System Parameter Lists 45 minutes Initializing the z/OS System PowerPoint Our z/OS System Setup 40 minutes Configuring JES2 70 minutes Issuing VTAM and TCP/IP Commands Graphic: Insert your organization’s name in the above slide. Audio: will need to cover the following: Welcome to “Our z/OS System Setup” presentation. My name is _____. I work in the ___ department and have worked as a Systems Programmer in our organization for ___ years (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.). This presentation follows on from the first three modules of the Datatrain “Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming” course. We will expand on some of the information in these first modules, and relate it to our site. We will also take a look at the z/OS systems setup that we have. If you have any questions about the course, or this presentation, send it to _______ so that it can be covered in the Webinar discussion at the end of this learning pathway. Our z/OS System Setup PowerPoint Our JES and Network Setup Company Name Webinar Understanding Systems Programming Procedures and Roles Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Presentation Topics Our System Configuration Storage and Page Datasets Systems Residence Volumes System Dataset Naming System and Parameter Libraries SMP/E Environment IPLs At Our Site Audio: will need to cover the following: The Datatrain modules you have completed have described the types of system data sets and parameters you may encounter on your system. In this presentation you will see which of these items is implemented in our organization and how system start-up is performed. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our z/OS system setup z/OS 1.11 – SYSA z/OS 1.11 – SYSB z/Linux – LNX1 (Production) z/OS 1.11 – SYSB (Production) z/Linux – LNX1 z/Linux – LNX2 z/VM – VM01 z/VM – VM01 LP1101 LP1201 z/OS1.12 – SYSD (Development) z/OS1.12 – SYSS (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of your systems. Audio: will need to cover the following: Include brief descriptions of: Physical Processor Logical Partition setup. If z/VM is used. Other non-z/OS systems on the processors. Each z/OS system: z/OS release, what it is used for, production/development/test. Example: In our organization we have four z/OS images running in two z196 processors. SYSA and SYSB are our production regions: SYSA runs most of the IMS, SYSB the CICS and CA-Datacom. These regions run under z/VM. SYSD is the development z/OS system, and SYSS is for Systems Programmer testing. SYSS is only IPLed when we need it. We also have two z/Linux partions running under z/VM. LP1102 LP1202 CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Storage and Page data sets System Memory Page Datasets Spare Page Datasets SYSA 2 GB SYS1.SYSA.PAGE1 SYS1.SYSA.PAGE2 SYS1.SYSA.PAGE3 SYS1.SYSA.PAGEA SYS1.SYSA.PAGEB SYSB SYS1.SYSB.PAGE1 SYS1.SYSB.PAGE2 SYS1.SYSB.PAGE3 SYS1.SYSB.PAGEA SYS1.SYSB.PAGEB SYSD 1 GB SYS1.SYSD.PAGE1 SYS1.SYSD.PAGE2 SYS1.SYSD.PAGE3 SYS1.SYSD.PAGEA SYS1.SYSD.PAGEB SYSS 0.5 GB SYS1.SYSS.PAGE2 SYS1.SYSS.PAGEA SYS1.SYSS.PAGEB Graphics: Update the table with memory and page datasets for your systems. Audio: will need to cover the following: Explain how much memory is defined to each system. Explain how much paging is done by the system. Example: We have 2Gbytes of Memory defined to each production system, and 1GByte to our development system. Our Systems Programmer system only has 500 Mbytes. This is enough for normal processing, so our page datasets are not heavily used. This gives us better performance. Explain page dataset names and packs. Explain spare page datasets that are available. Example: Each production and development system has four page datasets as you can in this screen. We also have an additional two page datasets defined for each system, but not added. In emergencies, we can add these using the z/OS PAGEADD console command. Each page dataset is on its own DASD unit. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
System residence volumes What is on them? How they are created and migrated? System Residence Volumes SYSA SYSAR1, SYSAR2 SYSB SYSBR1, SYSBR2 SYSD SYSDR1, SYSDR2 SYSS SYSSR1, SYSSR2 Graphics: Update graphic with the volume serial numbers of your system residence volumes. Audio: will need to cover the following: Include information about your system residence volume setup. Cover: What is on each residence volume If you have shared system residence volumes, or separate. How they are prepared and migrated. Example: We have separate system residence volumes for each system. We keep all IBM product libraries on the residence volumes, as well as any libraries in LPA or linklist. SYSS has two residence volumes: SYSSR1 and SYSSR2. One is the active volume (currently SYSSR1), and the other can be worked on. Changes are migrated like this: Changes are made to the inactive SYSS residence volume. SYSS is IPLed with the new residence volume, and tested. If everything is OK, the SYSS residence volume is copied over the inactive SYSD residence volume (SYSDR1 or SYSDR2). SYSD is then IPLed to use the new residence volume. After three months, the SYSD residence volume is copied over the inactive SYSA and SYSB residence volumes (SYSAR1 and SYSAR2 for SYSA, SYSBR1 and SYSBR2 for SYSB). SYSA and SYSB are IPLed to use the new residence volume. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
System library naming conventions System Libraries: SYS1 – IBM z/OS System Libraries (SYS1.LINKLIB, SYS1.IODF00) SYS2 – IBM non-z/OS System Libraries (SYS2.IMS.V700.**) SYS3 – Third Party Libraries (SYS3.SAS.V913.**) SYS4 – Our Own Libraries (SYS4.LINKLIB) Catalogs: CATALOG.MASTER.SYSx – Master Catalogs CATALOG.USER.xxx – User Catalogs CATALOG.VOLCAT.xxx – VOLCAT Catalogs Graphics: Update with dataset naming conventions at your site. Audio: will need to cover the following: Cover any general dataset naming conventions. Example: All IBM z/OS libraries start with SYS1, IBM non-z/OS libraries start with SYS2, and ISV libraries start with SYS3. For SYS2 and SYS3 libraries, the product name follows, and then the release. Catalogs start with the CATALOG high level qualifier, followed by the catalog type (master, user or volcat), and then the name. z/OS product modules are in SYS1.LINKLIB and SYS1.LPALIB. The I/O Definitions file is SYS1.IODF00. All LPA and Linklist libraries are on the system residence libraries. No changes are made to the linklist or LPA list without a full migration of the residence volume. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
System library names JES PROCLIB Concatenation: JES Parameters: SYS1.PROCLIB – holds JCL for system started tasks and JES2. SYS1.SYSx.PROCLIB – System specific system procedures SYS2.PROCLIB – JCL for ISV started tasks. SYS4.TSO.PROCLIB – TSO/E logon procedures. SYS4.BATCH.PROCLIB – Systems Programmer JCL for batch (eg. C compiles) PROD.PROCLIB – Production JCL procedures. (other product libraries here) JES Parameters: SYS1.PARMLIB(JESPRM00) Graphics: Update with information about system libraries at your site. Audio: will need to cover the following: Cover: PROCLIBs Example: SYS1.PROCLIB holds the startup JCL for the system started tasks, and JES2 itself. The two production systems have a shared, common SYS1.PROCLIB. Other systems have their own. SYS1.PROCLIB with the system name in between the SYS1 and the PROCLIB holds system-specific JCL – for example SYS1.SYSA.PROCLIB for SYSA. SYS2.PROCLIB holds procedures for ISV products and started tasks. SYS4.TSO.PROCLIB holds the TSO logon procedures, AND SYS4.BATCH.PROCLIB procedures for batch. PROD.PROCLIB holds procedures for production batch, and is managed by the Operations Support group. JES parameters are defined in the JESPRM00 member of SYS1.PARMLIB. The JES procedure concatenation is defined in this parameter library, and not in the JES JCL. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Parameter libraries Load Member: SYS0.IPLPARM(LOAD00) Backout Member: SYS0.IPLPARM(LOAD99) Emergency Member: SYS0.IPLPARM(LOADXX) IEASYS Active Member: SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYS00) Backout Member: SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYS99) Emergency Member: SYSS.PARMLIB (IEASYS00) Other PARMLIB members: Active suffix is 00. Backout is XX. Emergency PARMLIB is SYSS.PARMLIB Graphics: Update the graphic with information about the LOAD and PARMLIB members in your site. Audio: will need to cover the following: Cover: What dataset holds the LOADxx member. What suffix is used for LOADxx: for example, is it always 00, or is it a number that increments with any change? What is the backout member? What is the active and backout PARMLIB members? Example: We always use LOAD00 in SYS0.IPLPARM as our load member. If we make a change, we copy LOAD00 to LOAD99, and then change LOAD00. If there is a problem and neither of these work, LOADXX starts a minimal system that lets us logon, and fix any problems. SYS1.PARMLIB is same. All parameters are in SYS1.PARMLIB. The active member ends in 00, the backup member is 99. SYSS.PARMLB holds parameters to start an emergency ‘minimal system.’ Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
SMP/E environment z/OS SMP/E Environment Global CSI Dataset Name. Target and DLIB Zone names. Location of SMP/E Libraries, and how they relate to residence volumes. Graphics: Update the above graphic to explain your SMP/E environment. Audio: will need to cover the following: Cover: Dataset names of SMP/E Global CSIs. Names of Target and DLIB zones. How they related to the residence volumes. Example: For z/OS, our global CSI dataset name is SYS1.GLOBAL.CSI. This holds the Global CSI, as well as the Target and DLIB CSIs. It is on the residence volume. The Target zone is TGT, DLIB zone is DLIB. All z/OS products are in this SMP/E environment. We have separate SMP/E zones for third party products. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our IPL schedule How often and when are Productions Systems IPLed? How often and when are Development Systems IPLed? Documentation about IPL parameters. What role do Automated Operations play in IPL? Graphics: Update this screen with information about your IPL schedule. Audio: will need to cover the following: Cover the following: How often systems are IPLed, and at what time. What role Automated Operations plays in IPL. What is started from IEACMDxx / COMMNDxx, and what is started by Automated Operations. Any other IPL procedures or standards. Example: Our production systems are regularly IPLed every three months at 3am Sunday morning. We may IPL them at other times if changes are required. SYSD is regularly IPLed every night at 2am. SYSS is IPLed by the Systems Programmers whenever required. The IPL book in the Computer Room documents the IPL parameters. It also documents changes from the previous IPL document, and how to back changes out. The operators IPL the machine, and then our Automated Operations package, Tivoli Systems Automation, takes over. It starts JES and other subsystems, the networks, and checks everything is up. Alerts are sent if anything does not come up successfully. The JES and the Systems Automation Netview systems are started from the COMMNDxx parmlib member. Our automated operations product, Systems Automation, then starts up all other systems automatically. SLIP traps and MPF settings are also set from COMMNDxx. Other Ideas You could include another slide showing some screen shots or a movie of the z/OS Console during an IPL of one of your systems, with voice over of what is happening. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011
Summary Our System Configuration Storage and Page Datasets Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming 55 minutes Virtual Storage & Address Space Concepts Summary 45 minutes Working with System Data Sets Our System Configuration Storage and Page Datasets Systems Residence Volumes System Dataset Naming System and Parameter Libraries SMP/E Environment IPLs At Our Site 45 minutes Working with System Parameter Lists 45 minutes Initializing the z/OS System PowerPoint Our z/OS System Setup 40 minutes Configuring JES2 70 minutes Issuing VTAM and TCP/IP Commands Audio: will need to cover the following: This presentation has introduced our z/OS systems, and how they are configured. We also looked at the z/OS storage and page datasets, system residence volumes, system and parameter libraries, and our SMP/E environment. Finally, we looked at when and how we IPL our system. As you can see by the learning path graphic shown here, your next step in the training focuses on the final two Datatrain modules: Configuring JES2, and Issuing VTAM and TCP/IP Commands. When this has been completed, another internal presentation will cover the JES and network setup on our systems. You will need to complete this before the Webinar “Understanding Systems Programming Procedures and Your Role” wraps up this pathway. Thank you for attending. PowerPoint Our JES and Network Setup Webinar Understanding Systems Programming Procedures and Roles Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011