Tuesday February 10, 2015 Vaccination HW Go Over Last Night’s Homework Agenda Homework Go Over Last Night’s Homework Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Common Good/ Tragedy of the Commons/Prisoners Dilemma Notes Homework Vaccination HW
Civics and Economics Day 103
Homework Answer the Following questions in complete Sentences: Besides age and citizenship are the requirements to vote? Where are two places you can register to vote? Why do primaries tend to have winners who are farther right or farther left than general elections? (Remember: Who votes in primaries?) What do campaign workers and volunteers do to help get candidates elected?
Prisoner’s Dilemma Trailor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4GAQt Gtd_0
Prisoner’s Dilemma in Action We are going to play a version of Joker’s Game. We will play 10 rounds where every decision will have an effect on the group. If you both decide to cooperate, you both get a point. If one group steals and the other cooperates, the person who stole gets 2 points and the person who cooperates loses a point. If both groups steal, both groups lose a point. However, there is no way to ensure that a group will give you that number. If you talk to somebody outside the group you will not only be ineligible for extra credit, but your group will be deducted points. The group with the highest average will also receive additional bonus points for this activity.
Prisoner’s Dilemma Prisoner 1 Prisoner 2 Stone Cold Silence Talks to Police Prisoner 1: 1 years Prisoner 2: 1 years Prisoner 1:0 Years Prisoner 2: 5Years Prisoner 1: 0 Years Prisoner 2: 5 Years Prisoner 1: 3 years Prisoner 2:3 years Nash Equilibrium Prisoner 2
Common Good Common Good - The good or well-being of an entity such as a nation, company or an organization. The concept is that the good of the entire group can be no more than the good of each individual or particular component.
Prisoners Dilemma People prioritize their own interests over everyone else’s. That’s why society doesn’t begin to prosper.
Public Policy Public policy is an attempt by a government to address a public issue by instituting laws, regulations, decisions, or actions pertinent to the problem at hand.
Public Policy Examples Abortion Affirmative Action Alcoholism Animal Rights Bullying China Cloning Education Global Warming Gun Control Zombies (Disaster Preparedness) Etc………
Public interest - The public interest refers to the welfare of the general public (in contrast to the selfish interest of a person, group, or firm) in which the whole society has a stake and which warrants recognition, promotion, and protection by the government and its agencies.
Tragedy of the Commons in Current Events Vaccines are a proven way to eliminate a diseases from a population. They contain a weakened form of the disease that sometimes causes a small infection. If everyone gets the vaccine the disease gets eliminated because no one carries the disease. Imagine a parent doesn’t want their child to get the vaccine because they don’t want their child to get an infection. 1. What happens if everyone but one person gets the Measles vaccine? Will that person get the Measles if no one has it to give to them? 2. What happens if more and more parents don’t want their children to get the vaccine what will happen? 3. What would happen if no one got the vaccine and someone brought Measles to the community? 4. How does this show individual interest conflicting with the common good.