ITS Training Services
Services Technology Seminars Training On Demand (TOD) Web-Based Training (WBT) Telecommunications and Networking Services (TNS) Training Administrative Information Services (AIS) Training Handouts and Resources
Technology Seminars Databases General Computing Topics Graphics, Multimedia, and Desktop Publishing High-Performance Computing Microsoft Office Software Operating Systems Security Operations and Services Technology in the Classroom Telecommunications UNIX Video and Animation Visualization Web and Internet Technologies
Training On Demand (TOD): Training On Demand offers: Qualified Instructors Group Learning Flexibility to mix and match multiple seminar topics Convenience Cost-Effectiveness Guaranteed Seating
Web-Based Training Free of charge to help everyone at Penn State learn and use the skills for personal, professional, and academic development. Over 1,100 courses. All that is needed is a Penn State Access Account, a PC with a browser (we highly recommend Internet Explorer), and an Internet connection.
Telecommunications and Networking Services (TNS) Training Training on technology communications systems on campus. Topics range from voice mail training to the newest Voice over IP technology.
Administrative Information Services (AIS) Training AIS provides training on the Penn State specific financial tools and administrative technologies such as IBIS, ISIS, and Data Warehouse.
Handouts and Resources Handouts: In many of our Technology Seminars, we offer handouts and other resources that will assist you in using the applications. Resources for PSU Web Developers: A collection of links and information useful for Web page development. Faculty Multimedia Center (FMC) Tutorials: helpful tutorials on Flash, CD ROM Burning, and other multimedia applications.
Hands-On Training Calendar Winter-Fest Free computer workshops for faculty, staff, and teaching assistants held during the first week of January. ITS Free Fall/Spring seminar series Free, computer workshops for faculty, staff, and students including: hands-on seminars, lecture seminars. Summer-Fest Several weeks of free computer workshops for faculty, staff, and teaching assistants.
Staff Technology Survey Purpose: How do University staff use and obtain technology skills? Administered in Fall, 2001 1,026 completed surveys
Staff Technology Survey Results