Let him have it- the trial of Derek Bentley-1953
Let him have it final scene 1.37-1.43 Edit/length of shot Camera movement/ type Sound / dialogue
Media (film and television) question practice Choose from a film or television Drama an important sequence in which tension is created by filmic technique or by action and dialogue. Mention the film but concentrate the essay on the sequence/ scene
Let him have it choose a film that features a key scene Intro Summary ‘last meeting with the family’ ‘in prison writing the letter’ ‘last chance- house of commons’ Family and Derek- the hanging conclusion
Structure for the paragraphs topic sentence, PEA, techniques, refer to question ‘last meeting with the family’ ‘in prison writing the letter’- dialogue ‘last chance- house of commons’- camera angles Family and Derek- the hanging- mise-en-scene, editing (slow then fast)
Let Him Have It- break down Intro- The final scene where Derek Bentley is hung for murder is an important scene in Let Him Have It directed by Peter Medak. director’s point of view, themes, evaluation: what do you think of what happens to Derek? I will look at mise-en-scene, dialogue, camera angles and editing to show that this is an important scene.
Final scene Mind map: themes, colour, directors point of view, evaluation.
Post WW2 Gangs The ‘teddy boys’ formed gangs who sometimes had a common uniform like a particular colour of jacket or socks. For the most part, violence and vandalism was not too serious by modern standards, and exaggerated by the media, but there were instances of serious gang warfare with razors and knives.
The history of ‘Gangs’ By the 1930s Glasgow had acquired a reputation throughout Britain as a hotbed of gang violence and was regarded at the time as Britain's answer to Chicago, the Scottish Chicago. The gangs at this time were also referred to as Glasgow razor gangs, named after their weapon of choice. In 1950’s Britain gangs had mimicked their American counterparts and were carrying guns.
Being part of a gang
Derek Bentley Teenager Derek Bentley has been executed at Wandsworth Prison in London for his part in the murder of Pc Sidney Miles. The 19-year-old was hanged at 0900 hours after last-minute appeals for clemency were rejected.
The verdict In 1998 the Appeal Court quashed Bentley's conviction on the grounds the original trial judge was biased against the defendants and misdirected the jury on points of law. Scientific evidence also showed the three police officers who testified about Bentley shouting "Let him have it" had lied under oath. Iris Bentley died in 1997 before the case was referred back to the Appeal Court. Craig served 10 years before being released. He expressed joy at the news that Bentley’s conviction had been quashed.