Mathematics - The 5 part model.
The 5 part model…. Promoting INDEPENDENCE and PROGRESS Every child begins at the ‘Supporting’ step!
Stage 1 – Supporting: Making sense, representing This supports learners to make sense of the concept being taught. This also helps them to retain knowledge and build in confidence.
Stage 2 – Fluency: Generalisation, fluency with different types of questions. Children complete a variety of different questions to fully secure their understanding of the learnt concept.
Stage 3 – Probing questions: Extension (Thinking) These questions help the children retain their knowledge. Encourage the children to refer back to the representations to support their answers.
Stage 4 – Further extension: explaining reasoning. This enables children to explore different misconceptions to deepen their understanding of taught concepts. Explaining Explain about how to write three quarters as a fraction. Explain to Caesar what you have learnt today. Give examples to make your explanation clear! Explaining
Stage 5 – Rich and complex tasks: problem solving, applying understanding. This is where the children demonstrate mastery of a taught concept. Children to apply their understanding to unfamiliar contexts. Solving Solving
Progress… Children are continually checked by the teacher throughout the steps in the process and BEFORE moving on. If they are fluent in the basic skills then they can begin to use and apply what they know. Mastery in Maths leads to success!