BTY100-Lec#5.3 Cloning
Outline Introduction to Cloning Types of Cloning Problems Reproductive Cloning Therapeutic Cloning Problems
Cloning Clone - Genetically identical copy, an exact replica of the other cell or organism. Cloning occurs in nature. bacteria some plants some simple animals Hydra and Yeast budding
Involve making cloned organisms. Types Therapeutic Cloning Involves cloning cells from an adult for use in medicine and transplants. Reproductive Cloning Involve making cloned organisms. Types of Cloning
Reproductive Cloning- Dolly Sheep!/chapter06/videos_animations/cloning.html
Reproductive cloning` Dolly, was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. Dolly was formed by taking a cell from the udder of her biological mother. Her embryo was created by taking the cell and inserting it into a sheep ovum. The embryo was then placed inside a female sheep that went through a normal pregnancy. Because the effort showed that genetic material from a specific adult cell, can be reprogrammed to grow an entirely new organism
Cloned buffalo “Mahima” born from cloned buffalo “Garima” at NDRI, Karnal. A first Cloned buffalo delivers calf. The National Dairy Research Institute had earned worldwide acclaim for producing the world’s first buffalo cloned calf on August 22, 2010.
A CC (Carbon Copy) cat
Therapeutic Cloning Therapeutic cloning is the procedure in which cells from the skin of the patient and are inserted into the fertilized egg, the nucleus of which has already been removed. The resulting cell is allowed to divide repeatedly so that a blastocyst is formed. Stem cells are then extracted from this blastocyst and can be used for various purposes like growing tissues that match the patient’s own genetic makeup. Many diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease can be treated with therapeutic cloning.
Purpose To created patient specific organs so as to avoid transplant rejection. It will also help to bridge the gap between the demand of organs transplants and the number of organs donated . MAIN ADVANTAGE Patients DNA/ information is used to created the organ and therefore the organs is easily accepted by the patient
Therapeutic cloning
Stem Cell- Cells present in the blastocyst
Problems Therapeutic cloning creates embryos and then destroys them for stem cells, which is morally wrong to some. Reproductive cloning is deemed morally wrong because it is creating a human life just to be a walking organ donor for the person after whom they were created.
Value of Human life….? Cloning will turn humans in nothing more than carriers of traits that others find useful.
Next Class: Biomedical Engineering