Explain what touch develop is to your students: TouchDevelop is a programming environment that runs on your mobile devices. You write scripts by tapping on the screen. You do not need a separate PC or keyboard. Scripts can perform various tasks similar to regular apps. Any TouchDevelop user can install, run, edit, and publish scripts. You can share your scripts with other people by publishing them to the TouchDevelop script bazaar, or by submitting them as an app to the Windows Store or Windows Phone Store.
Learning Objective LO: Learn how to develop your game further to include interactions with the device Lesson Objective: - Stuarts will learn about how to start adding in their own functions and will learn the basics of an IF Statement. Talk to the students about KODU and talk about how you had WHEN and DO (explain the similarities – if you’ve followed on from this). This lesson will teach them how to control a sprite using X and Y co-ordinates. You should use the game they have previously started.
Setting Up Touch Develop Go to www.touchdevelop.com Sign in using a windows live ID. Click on the launch button in the middle of the screen. Click on the skill level button. Use the menu, to change it and click on coder. Walk your students through how to get logged on to the touch develop environment.
Setting Up Touch Develop Click on the Create Script button Scroll down and select Blank Turtle Click on your previous script Walk your students through how to get logged on to the touch develop environment.
Starter Using the sheets, put the correct buttons in the correct order. Your teacher will show you the correct order once you have finished putting the shapes together. (Time 5 mins) Students are given some cut outs of the tasks which they have completed in the previous lesson. They will need to match them up to see if they are the correct order of pressing buttons. The second sheet is in ORDER. If you want to cut them out before they’re given to the students so that they do not know the order straight away.
Learning Outcomes Touch develop to build a application which : Uses IF Statements Control Character movement on the device. (When Touched) Control sprites interacting with each other (Overlap) Talk about what the students will be expected to achieve after their second lesson. This might take 2 lessons for some students but the help sheets will be attached to introduce this to younger students.
Creating a score Set up a score variable. Use the main function. Assign the score to the board. Change the width, height, font Set the position Change the colour. Use the hand out to support this task. Before a student learns how to create a game loop or even do the reactions with the sprites. They need to be able to make sure that they can do some simple things like including text on the screen. It will be updated later on using variables. The first thing you should get your students to do is to set up a score variable. They should already be able to do this based on the previous session. It will need to be Global. Using the help sheet, show them how to create text and set it.
Using a Game Loop / IF Create the “Game Loop” event. Create the IF to check when the board is touched. Program the sprite to move to the touch position. Remember to update the board. To make sure the character is always shown in the new position. Use the hand out to support this task. Students need to understand that we use game loops so that there is a test which is being looked for all of the time. Get your students to think about traffic lights with a sensor. They’re always checking to see if something is coming in the other direction so that it can turn the other one red or vice versa. You’re now going to show the students how to insert a game loop.
Using the IF / Score (extension) Time to apply what you have learnt! See if you can press the correct buttons to come up with this combination. Where would you put this? BeeCharacter represents your own sprite. Create the appropriate variables to do this. Students have learnt how to use the environment and how to push the correct buttons each time. This will allow them to learn about interactions between sprites. This code will be in the game loop. They will need to figure this out for themselves. They will need to change the BEECHARACTER to their own sprite in order to get this to work. They will also need to create their own variables unless they’ve already got similar ones for the score board.