data to be recorded and stored in computerised form (DA) Expert Group Meeting, 30 October 2013
Content of Delegated Act Definition of data to be recorded and stored in computerised form Minimum rules on nature of data recoded and stored Rules on protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data linked to individual participants Annex 1 (as annexed to fiche)
Main changes compared to last version System should be ready at latest before submission of first payment claim to Commission Fields on individual participant data removed; refers to Annex 1 and 2 ESF regulation Reference to financial instruments – under scrutiny
Data on beneficiaries MS can choose unique identifier according to national system, for all types of beneficiaries Private/ public status needed for evaluation only VAT status for MA to make correct payments
Operation – basic information Every operation needs name and short summary, as in 2007-2013 period Date of signature first works needed for major projects only – must be signed within 3 years Location of supporting documents can be far removed from operation or beneficiary and kept by other partners
Data on indicators MS can choose identifiers for indicators – must link back to indicators set out in OP Frequency reporting is every year. ESF outputs recorded continuously, ERDF/CF at end of operation Fields 52-47: Result indicator only for ESF and EMFF. For ERDF and CF these relate to programme level – no registration required at level operation
Operation – budget/payments (1) Clarification: revenue generated by operation which falls under art. 55(6) CPR and not art. 54 (1)—(6); Revenue that was not taken into account in grant agreement Recorded at the latest at final payment application of beneficiary Also applies to ESF operations
Operation – budget/payments (2) Public support relates to financial allocation where costs are not yet incurred. Public expenditure relates to costs already incurred
Operation – recoveries etc. Recovered public support from beneficiary is without interests/penalties Total eligible expenditure and public eligible expenditure both need to be recorded to maintain consistency and avoid problems if calculation basis is changed Both public contribution and total eligible costs are required for calculation of the EU contribution
Costs incurred and paid Data on expenditure to be included as IT-system should eventually be ready to handle this data in context of e-Cohesion Unique identifier will follow from IT system Cost category according to system Member States Low value items can be grouped –name supplier and date only when appropriate Public procurement info: Contract info only when contract is above EU thresholds - # reduced Link between expenditure and contracts
Simplified cost options Registration of eligible expenditure based on SCO already necessary in 2007-2013 period Necessary for MA to make correct payments to beneficiary Clarification: unit definition, no link with indicators for monitoring and evaluation Intermediary targets only when applicable Reduction # fields
Payment applications to Commission Fields 112-114: explanation in art. 121 (2quater) CPRS
Accounts submitted to Commission Date of submission last accounts necessary to record start retention period
Ceilings cross-financing/outside programme area/ land purchase Also needed in 2007-2013 period Clear link with the need to ensure compliance with the ceilings set out in the CPR