1 Tata Genuine Parts Sahensha On ground/Event Marketing Tata Motors Ltd.
Background Counterfeit automotive components - a (thriving) parallel industry Counterfeit parts - unsafe and responsible for many road accident casualties and injuries. It leads to erosion of not only revenue but trust of the people and Tata genuine parts wanted to take on this menace by educating the users on the benefits of using genuine parts and increasing saliency of its brand amongst the TG. 2
Target Group Primary – Single truck owners Secondary – Drivers, Garage Mechanics 3
Objectives Educate consumers about the benefits of using genuine spare parts as against spurious parts Create dissonance among the TG for spurious products & build excitement for TGP 4
Challenge In a market thronged by non-genuine parts & a highly price sensitive TG who gets lured by the cheaper non-genuine offerings, the challenges were two fold: Capture the attention of TG in a usually mundane market Convince the TG on using genuine parts as against non-genuine ones. 5
Insights Our TG belongs to a different cult : He loves independence, has better self esteem, and is adventurous and mobile Bollywood rides high on him which is the most conspicuous entertainment element in his life His body language, home even his truck has splashes of Bollywood and we decided to carry a Bollywood theme in all our communication 6
Strategy To achieve better results, we segmented our target territories in two broad categories on the basis of TGPs market share and differentiated them in terms of communication focus required: 7 Market TypeCommunication FocusCommunication Theme Type I (Low market share: 0-20 %) Building high brand salience and creating high dissonance against spurious products by establishing superiority of TGP over them Rishte me to hum tumhare baap lagte hain, Naam hai Shehensha Type II (High market share: %) Announce availability & registering high awareness Hum zaroor milenge
Activity Model Two level campaign: 8 Pre Activation To create high buzz in the target market and to ensure high turn out during the event pre activation was conducted one day prior to the event in all locations Activities: Announcement posters were put around the area Leaflets distribution Buzz creation through dhol wala Anchor led engagement
Activity Model Activation: 9 Type I market Buzz creation through dhol wala Hyped entry of a celebrity look alike to garner huge eye balls. Education to TG on differentiating between genuine & non-genuine parts and the benefits of using genuine parts Engagement games (Asli-nakli) for message reinforcement Type II market Entertaining skit show for buzz creation and message delivery Message reinforcement through engagement games
Snapshots 10
Results states, 366 towns covered 300 activity days 36,078 TG intercepted
12 Thank You