Data Pipeline Town Hall April 27th, 2017 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of email, names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3
What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE (303-866-6395) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt emails to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted email or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Student End of Year Special Education of Year READ SDA TSDL Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) SBD
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory (4 Day School Week and School Code Changes due May 12th) RITS EDIS Periodic READ (April 3rd –June 30th) Interchanges Staff Student Special Education IEP TSDL Discipline Action Interchange 9
Open Data Pipeline Collections 11/24/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL Open-8/25/2017) Student End of Year for 2016-17 (Soft Opening-10/5/2017) Special Education Discipline (Soft Opening-8/23/2017) Special Education End of Year (Soft Opening- 10/5/2017) Coming Soon Discipline (Opening 5/3/2017-7/12/2017) CO SAT/PSAT (Opening 5/15/2017-5/24/2017) CMAS (Opening 5/22/2017-6/1/2017) 10
Student End of Year
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – The End of Year Collection is in Soft Open. Districts are able to create snapshots using their Student Interchange Data. The file formats are the same as you used with Student October. Only error free interchange records will be pulled into the snapshot. Please work on interchange errors before creating a snapshot annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – New changes: The student End of Year page has been updated: This week SE083 was inactivated because it was a duplicate of SE171. Both trigger when a 12th grader has a 00 exit type without being retained. Because both used to trigger on all Senior records at this time of the year, you may see a significant reduction in the number of errors in your snapshot when you next create one. SE049 and SE104 have been clarified with additional rules annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Excluded Student errors SE049 and SE104 used to trigger if a student was included in October Count or the Prior EOY and not included in your current snapshot. This was confusing because there are many reasons why a student may not appear. SE049 now only triggers if a student was included in your October Count and doesn’t have a record at all in your interchange files. SE104 now only triggers if a student was exited in the previous year with a 00 and doesn’t have a 00, 02, 03, 11, 90 or 91 entry type in their first detail record. annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Excluded Student errors There are also new 400 level errors for when a student has been excluded from your snapshot: SE401 A PK-12 grade student has errors at the interchange level (SSA). SE402 A grade K-12 student was reported last year with Exit Type=00 in the last detail record, they must be reported this year with a Primary School flag set to 1 in their first SSA record SE403 A grade K-12 student was reported last year with Exit Type=00 in the last detail record, they must be reported this year with a Pupil Attendance Code between 01-08 in their first SSA record SE404 A K-12 student was reported last year with Exit Type=00 in the last detail record, they must have a record in your current year School Association file. SE405 A PK-12 grade student has errors at the interchange level (DEM). SE490 A grade K-12 student was reported in Student October and they are not in the student end of year snapshot, but a record exists in the student interchange with a Primary School flag set to 0. SE491 A grade K-12 student was reported in Student October and they are not in the student end of year snapshot, but a record exists in the student interchange with a Pupil attendance code other than 1-8. annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Excluded Student errors There are also two warnings for students that might be excluded by mistake It’s important that district verify these warnings, as students excluded from snapshots may cause other districts to take unrecovered transfer dropouts! SE412 A grade PK-12 student was reported in the student school association file with a primary school flag set to zero. Please confirm that this status is approrpiate as the record will not be included in the End of Year snapshot. SE413 A grade PK-12 student was reported in the student school association file with a pupil attendance code that is not between 01 and 08. Please confirm that this status is appropriate as the record will not be included in the End of Year snapshot. annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Upcoming Training Webinars Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Webinar Dates: May 1 2:00 – 3:00 May 3 10:00 – 11:00 May 5 9:00 – 10:00 May 10 11:00 – 12:00 Login Information: Call-in number: 1-855-397-4421
Special Education End-of-Year
Special Education End-of-Year Snapshot is OPEN AUs able to create 16-17 snapshots in production Child and Participation File Formats/Templates same as December Count and posted here: Sped EOY Snapshot Resources found here: Timeline Snapshot File Layout Snapshot Business Rules 16-17 Training slides coming soon *FYI Enrich Users: Sped EOY open included in maintenance update 12.1.2 Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759 Special Education End of Year - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY: Reporting Rules of Thumb 11/24/2018 Special Education EOY: Reporting Rules of Thumb *Only report INITIAL referrals/evaluations* *Report Path 1 children in school year they were evaluated *Report Path 2 and 3 students in school year the IEP was implemented Includes ages 0-3 evaluated for Part C Path 1 Includes ages 2.5-3.9 referred from Part C to Part B services Path 2 Includes ages 2.5-21 referred to Part B services Path 3 Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759 39
Special Education EOY: New Warning Missed exits or no shows **Change in reporting process** SY108 errors – instead of submitting an exception request, please report records that should have been exited last year with a 07/01 exit date and Basis of Exit. Sped Hours field may now be filled in or zero-filled on 07/01 exits only Records that have a PAI code of 23, 24, 31, or 32 SE378: New Warning to help identify records that are being excluded from your snapshot due to PAI code reported. If record was on your file last year, in order to capture the exit, you may need to adjust some of the fields back to what they were prior to exiting from your AU School Code, District of Attendance, PAI Code, Date of Exit, Basis of Exit Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY – Upcoming Webinars Webinar Dates: Tues May 2 10:00 – 12:00 New Respondent Training Mon May 8 1:00 – 3:00 Annual Training Webinar Wed May 10 2:00 – 4:00 Annual Training Webinar (5/8 repeat) Login Information: Call-in number: 1-855-397-4421 *emails will be sent with more information prior to webinars! Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY: Questions? Special Education EOY contact information Lindsey Heitman – 303-866-5759 (Primary contact) Kristi Gleason – 303-866-4620 Orla Bolger – 303-866-6896 *Please include your AU #, Error code # (if applicable), and phone number in emails 23
READ Updates At this time, districts should have completed or are currently working on: Creating and submitting beginning READ file to ensure correct file layout Creating and submitting information required for the completion of the READ budget planning survey Current Defects None at this time Recently Corrected Issues The READ Status grades K-3 report is now visible in COGNOS
Why do we have the READ Plan field? The READ Act requires the creation and implementation of an individual intervention plan (READ Plan) for students identified as having a significant reading deficiency A READ Plan is an intervention plan created to remediate a student’s significant reading deficiency The READ Plan field allows CDE to report per the READ Act on when students reach competency and are removed from a READ Plan Once a student is identified as having an SRD, legislatures want to know: at what grade level do they attain reading competency? READ Plans remain in place until the student attains reading competency, regardless of grade level Local districts determine when students reach “reading competency” by using a body of evidence to support those decisions Statute defines what is meant by a “body of evidence” and it shall include scores from the interim assessment Once a student scores below the cut point for risk and has been identified as having and SRD, a READ plan must be created.
READ Plan “road map” example Fall 2016 Student was identified as having a significant reading deficiency (SRD) and put on a READ Plan Middle 2016 Student has gained enough skills to no longer have an SRD, but has not yet made enough progress to be considered reading competent – student remains on READ Plan Spring 2016 Student’s READ Plan is removed suggesting they have demonstrated reading competency Fall 2017 Student not identified with SRD and still demonstrates reading competency in next grade level, suggesting they will remain on-track for meeting important reading outcomes. 2nd Grade 3rd Grade In attempt to demonstrate the various trajectories students cant take in any given year, I have provided this illustration, or “Road Map” of student progress from one year to the next (fall 2016 to fall 2017.
READ Plan Field How to use this field: Scenario READ Plan Coding Students identified with SRD should have READ Plan 1 unless they are newly identified with SRD in spring and a READ Plan has not yet been created Scenario READ Plan Coding K-3 student identified with an SRD at any time throughout the year (READ Status = 2 SRD) 0 – No (student is not on a READ Plan) 1 – Yes (student has a READ Plan) K-3 student never identified with an SRD (READ Status = 1 not SRD) 2 – NA (READ Plan is not applicable since student has not been identified with SRD) K-3 student identified at beginning of year as having an SRD and put on a READ Plan, but by the end of year is testing beyond the cut score for SRD. However, this student has not yet demonstrated reading competency and still has a READ Plan in place K-3 student has demonstrated grade level competency (determined locally) and has been removed from their READ Plan 4-12th grade cohort student who has not demonstrated grade level competency and remains on a READ Plan 4-12th grade cohort student has demonstrated grade level competency and has been removed from their READ Plan Once a student scores below the cut point for risk and has been identified as having and SRD, a READ plan must be created.
READ Resources READ Collection resources can be found at: ne Upcoming webinars Recorded webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard, READ Data Collection Manager Email: Phone: 303-866-6421
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA)
Annette Severson 303-866-6824 2016-17 Timeline Date Event May 3rd (Wednesday) Collection Opens May 9th (Tuesday) Webinar Training May 15th (Monday) June 22nd (Friday) Suggested Date for having No Reportable Incidents tab updated June 9th (Friday) Suggested Date for having at least 1 file uploaded June 16th (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files uploaded June 23rd (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files error free June 30th (Friday) Suggested Date to have SDA data finalized July 12th (Wednesday) Deadline for SDA to be finalized Annette Severson 303-866-6824
What must be Reported in SDA? All students disciplined during the school year All student attendance info- count of days and partial days Include the student and incident: If the student is disciplined with any of the following (for any behavior): Classroom Suspension In-School Suspension Out of School Suspension Expelled Referred to Law Enforcement If the incident would fit a listed behavior code other than code “12- Other Violation of Code of Conduct” regardless of action taken Annette Severson 303-866-6824
Webinar Training Information Identical trainings will focus on the data collection process and data requirements for SDA: May 9th (Tuesday) 10 – 11 am May 15th (Monday) 1 – 2 pm To join either session: Call in number: 1-855-397-4421 Annette Severson 303-866-6824
Data Pipeline Website 11/24/2018 Data Pipeline Website Periodic Collections -> School Discipline and Attendance Overview Deadlines File Layouts Business Rules Templates Trainings Additional Resources Direct Link: Contact: Annette Severson or (303) 866-6824 Annette Severson 303-866-6824
Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
TSDL Steps Map course codes to SCED Codes information found at: Prepare Course Enrollment and Course Instructor files File layout and field definitions found at: Upload Course Enrollment and Course Instructor files into Data Pipeline 36
Important Dates Statewide Standard Course Code Submission Interchange: Open year round Must be completed prior to uploading TSDL interchange files Interchange: Open Remains open throughout the year Snapshot: GOAL: “Submit to CDE” by Friday, June 30, 2017 REQUIRED DEADLINE: Finalize by Friday, August 25, 2017 37
Migrant Students Required to report Credits Granted and Final Grade in Course Enrollment file Possible Coding Combinations: Final Grade: Code 2 (Pass) and 3(Satisfactory) can either or both be used. Pass is typically for secondary levels where Satisfactory is used at elementary levels. Course Completion Status Credits Granted Final Grade 0 (Currently Enrolled) Between 0.0 and 9.0 0 (N/A) 1 (Completed - Fail) 2 (Completed – Pass) 1 (no credit/no grade/no mark) or 2 (Pass) or 3 (Satisfactory) or 4 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Incomplete/Partial) 4 (Withdrew) 38
Resources File layouts, templates, business rules, authority, process and checklist of steps and previous training slides can be referenced at: herstudent Contacts: Hai Huynh - or 303.866.3801 Annette Severson – or 303.866.6824 39
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838 2015-16 CRDC GOOD NEWS! Extended deadline is Friday, May 12, 2017 Colorado Progress 71 certified 35 100% complete (have not certified) 39 over 90% complete AWS (Advance Website) Partner Support: (855) 255-6901 or Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838 2015-16 CRDC Colorado districts are reporting AWS is slow. CRDC reports servers overloaded! A deadline extension has been granted- May 12th! Please don’t wait. Anticipate the overload will continue. Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838 2015-16 CRDC CDE provided files to CRDC contacts to correct errors Section III: Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment – Classes in Algebra I and Geometry in High School (Grades 9 through 12 only) Section VII: Student Discipline - LEP counts Files were sent securely through SFTP LEAs may resubmit these files if they have not yet overwritten and/or use for validation purposes Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838 2015-16 CRDC CRDC contacts are INTELLECTUAL!!! (and PATIENT!) THANK YOU!!! Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 45
Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281 2016-2017 SBD Review Timeline* Assessment Dates 1 ACCESS for ELLs 03/16-03/29 2 CO SAT/PSAT 10† 05/15-05/24 3 CMAS Science/social studies CoAlt science/social studies ELA/math (PARCC) CSLA 05/22-06/01 4 CoAlt: English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM) 06/19-06/27 *DACs and data respondents will receive updates about collections as needed. †Will count for accountability reporting beginning in 2017 *SBD manual page 2* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281 SBD Manual & Webinar Assessment Unit homepage ↓ Trainings Data Trainings SBD Manual SBD Webinar *SBD manual page 2* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
Data Pipeline Assessment Collections User Roles Description LEA viewer Can only view data and reports LEA user Can view data and reports Can download, edit, and upload data LEA approver Can approve data† *Assigned by Local Access Manager (LAM). Individuals may be assigned roles in several or all SBD collections but may only have one user role per collection. †Districts can ensure that SBD data have been submitted using the Status Dashboard tab in Data Pipeline. *SBD manual page 6* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
File Extract Download Options Extract Type SBD Extract = Vendor file (pre-ID data) SBD Student and CDE continuous extract = File updated with Data Pipeline Student Interchange data PLUS CDE calculated values for accountability fields Continuously in District Continuously in School Date First Enrolled in U.S.
Accountability Comparison Reports CDE providing calculated values for accountability fields Continuously in District Continuously in School Date First Enrolled in U.S. 51 Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
Student Location Report *SBD manual page 32* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
What’s New for the SAT/PSAT Collection SBD file layout: Fields removed from collection SAT HS Code Comprehensive Race Category Continuous in Colorado Fields added to collection Test Individual race fields Gifted and Talented field CDE providing optional calculated values Continuously in District Continuously in School Title 1 Not Tested Code Date First Enrolled in U.S. Newcomer to U.S. – Did Not Test ELA *SBD manual page 40*
Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281 2016-2017 SBD Reviews Contacts Melissa Mincic 303.866.6281 SBDs ACCESS for ELLs CMAS DLM Shangte Shen 303.866.6877 SBD CO PSAT 10/CO SAT Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
Thank you for joining us today! Next Town Hall: Thursday, May 4th, 2017 9 a.m.-10 a.m.