FORT SUMTER history/videos/us-inches-closer-to-war
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861 Confederate officials began seizing federal-mint branches, arsenals, and military posts. Fort Sumter was a Federal outpost in Charleston, SC.
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861 Confederate forces asked for its surrender Lincoln refused and sent ships with supplies Confederate cannons began firing on April 12, 1861 Fort Sumter fell 34 hours later. The Civil War BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EXAMINING ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES On my website there are 2 links for the advantages/disadvantages each side had going into the war. The first one looks at various aspects such as industry and population, the second one focuses just on the generals. You are to record each aspect discussed, which side had the advantage and WHY it was an advantage. There will be 8 aspects you will be completing this for. Once you have it completed, underneath your chart write a 1 sentence explanation about which side you think had the upper hand going into the war.