Renaissance Philosophy HUMANISM Renaissance Philosophy What does it mean? How does it affect society?
Three Components of Humanism Individualism Classicism Secularism
Individualism Glorifying the potential, talents & achievements of individual human beings Albrecht Dürer, Self Portrait at 28, c. 1500
Raphael, The School of Athens, Classicism Rediscovery & celebration of Greco-Roman culture Raphael, The School of Athens, c. 1509-10
Jan Van Eyck, Arnolfini Marriage, Secularism Celebration of life on earth rather than the afterlife Jan Van Eyck, Arnolfini Marriage, c. 1434
The Perfectability of the World & the Individual Symmetry & Harmony
Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, c. 1498
What happened to Christianity? Humanists are NOT anti-Catholic Humans are part of God’s plan Artists make religious works that focus on the potential of God’s creation (HUMANS) The Holy Trinity God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit
Who is the RENAISSANCE MAN? Michelangelo, David, c. 1504
power of the individual? How do you judge the power of the individual?