Pediatric Aquatic Therapy of the Suncoast Going to a Swim Lesson Pediatric Aquatic Therapy of the Suncoast
My lessons are at Swim Gym.
My teacher is Ms. Tina.
Going in the door.
Maybe we will wait here. It will be OK. My lesson will start soon.
This is the restroom. I will go here first to use the toilet, wash my hands then change into my bathing suit.
Next I will go here. Ms. Tina will tell us which pool we will use.
Ms. Tina will show me the schedule for the lesson Ms. Tina will show me the schedule for the lesson. We will do the activities we see on the schedule.
When my lesson is all done, it will be time to get out of the pool When my lesson is all done, it will be time to get out of the pool. I will climb up the ladder to get out of the pool.
I will dry off with my towel.
I will use the toilet and wash my hands again I will use the toilet and wash my hands again. Then I will take off my bathing suit and put on my other clothes.
Time to go. See you next time!
Created for Pediatric Aquatic Therapy of the Suncoast by The University of South Florida Center for Autism and Related Disabilities 1-800-333-4530 813-974-2532