Instructions The presentation provided will be used for the promotion on the ECCA web page and on other dissemination activities Provide high quality logo at the first page (Vector one) Keep the defined design, fonts (Calibri, min 12 pt, optimum 26 pt) Use the same titles as suggested where appropriate/add more descriptive one where needed Add few additional (up to 2) slides if needed for particular answer Don`t use only bulleted lists as on the template – be creative Use figures, charts, photos and other graphical materials where needed – in all slides to make them more attractive This is the initital request for data on companies and circular solutions – additional information might be required to harmonize presentations and digital profiles on ECCA website and catalogue
Company profile What is your company/organisation and what it does Basic facts (established, size, revenues) What you are pround of, what makes you competitive and highly valued business partner Markets served International profile (presence on third markets, exports…)
Product, services, technologies, solutions What is your offering in ECCA focus fields Smart building and city, CDW management, Wood based value chain, Bio house Choose the focus area you are interested for Provide info on segments of products, services, solutions if relevant Use new slides to present more details of particular individual offering
Name of product, services, solution Present individual product/service solutions How this contributes to more competitive output / value added in the value chain How this contributes to circular economy performance– use RESOLVE framework Present market maturity (TRL) Use up to 3 slides per product/service/solutions You can present up to 3 products/services/solutions
Targeted markets, customers Which markets (segments) you are addressing Where and how your solutions is used Potential exploitation fields / new markets, value chains
Best practices / reference projects Present reference projects, best practices, case studies, where this solution was used and demonstrated Present demonstrated performances if evaluated/measured Focus on circular performance (resources saved, prolonged durability, use of recycled material, re-use, smart dismantling, new business models implemented….)
Value chain collaboration What partners / competences / solutions you need to embed/improve your solution in construction value chain Which might be the complementary partners / solutions from other sectors (IT; eco-innovation, wood, plastics, utilities, mobility…)
Internationalization You competences on internationalization Offices, subsidaries abroad, where Interests for ECCA target markets: India, China, Mexico, Canada, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, other countries How to internationalize / write you need and/or can offer in terms of services: International promotion market intelligence capacity building / knowledge transfer commercial agreement/export demonstration activities technology transfer join ventures, foreign investment attraction collaborative development and exploitation
Internationalization services What kind of assistance and services you need What kind of partner in defined third markets you are looking for What barriers you know/foresee What kind of pilot/demonstration are you willing or you would like to set up? The size and financial value/ your expected investment/ time frame? Be specific for particular markets
Contact persons Who is the contact person for R&D and value chain collaboration (name, email), add his/her position, photo if allowed Who is the contact person for internationazalization (name, email)