Personality Total way in which an individual reacts & interacts with others -Physical Attributes – Looks & Acts -Mental Attributes – Feel & Think Ways in which an individual reacts & interacts which reflects its behaviour & characteristics The unique & relatively stable patterns of behaviour, thoughts and emotions shown by individuals
Determinants Of Personality Heredity Situation Environment
BIG FIVE-PERSONALITY MODEL EXTROVERSION: Outgoing & Sociable AGREEABLENESS: Cooperative (A persons ability to get along with each other) OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCES: Imaginative (A persons range of interests) CONSSCIENTIOUSNESS: Responsible (The number of goals that a person focuses on) EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Calm (A persons ability to cope up with Stress)
TRAIT THEORY OF PERSONALITY In order to understand an individual, we must break down behaviour pattern into a series of observable traits. Combining these traits will form an individual’s personality.
MYERS BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI) MBTI – A tool to measure personality) 16 Distinct Types Sociable- Extrovert Introvert -Quite Practical - Sensing Intuitive- Unconscious Process Logical- Thinking Feeling- Emotions Work Structured- Judge Perceiving- Flexible
HOLLANDS TYPOLOGY OF PERSONALITY Linking personality with Occupations Realistic – physical activities – Mechanic Investigative – involve thinking – Economic Social – Helping others – Teacher Conventional – Rule Regulated – Accountant Enterprising – verbally influence others – Lawyer, public relations Artistic – Creative - Interior decorator, writer
MEASURING PERSONALITY Projective Technique: Individuals are shown pictures Self-Report Questionnaire: MMPI (Minnesota Multi phasic Personality Inventory) Observer rating Technique MBTI
LOCUS OF CONTROL The degree to which people believe that they : Individuals who believe that they can conare the masters of their fate. -INTERNAL trol whatever will happen to them -EXTERNAL: Individuals who believe that whatever happens to them is by LUCK/CHANCE
SELF-EFFICACY THEORY An individual’s belief that he can perform effectively in the situation.
MACHIAVELLIANISM A personality trait involving willingness to manipulate others for one’s own purpose.
MORNING PERSONS - those who feel energetic & alert early in the day EVENING PERSONS - those who feel energetic & alert in the day or at night CONGNITIVE INTELLEGENCE: The ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience & overcome obstacles with careful thought. EMOTIONAL INTELLENGENCE: The ability to recognize & regulate our own emotions to influence others or to self motivate EMOTIONAL CONTAGION: The tendency to mimic the emotional expressions of others, converging with them emotionally. EMOTIONAL DISSONANCE: Inconsistencies between the emotions we feel & the emotions that we express. PRESENTISM: The practice of showing up for work but being too sick to be able to work effectively.