Active and Passive Voice Elements of Writing pp.223-225
Active Voice More direct The subject of the sentence does something: Fido chewed my slipper. Jane will play the guitar. The demonstrators shouted their approval. Mr. Bellamy has found the missing file.
Passive Voice Less direct Inverts the subject and the object What was the object becomes the subject The sentence becomes more wordy My slipper was chewed by Fido. The guitar will be played by Jane. Approval was shouted by the demonstrators. The missing file has been found by Mr. Bellamy.
Active Voice Clearer and stronger Makes sentences more alive Makes subjects more clear Takes unnecessary words out of the sentence
Passive Voice Withholds subject; doesn’t identify the performer of the action Writing is less clear and wordy Use only if you do not know the performer of the action: The store was robbed last night. Or, use to avoid identifying the performer of the action: The missing file has been found.