Child Find and June Exit Year-End Special Education Collections OREGON Department of Education Spring Training: Child Find and June Exit Year-End Special Education Collections 2015-2016
Special Education June Exit Today’s Agenda Special Education Child Find Trish Lutgen, Jackie McKim Data Owner: Linda Brown Special Education June Exit Welcome!
Special Education Child Find Opens: Thursday, 5/26/2016 Closes: Friday, 7/1/2016 Reference dates - 37 days total to get the information in. Data Owner: Linda Brown
Special Education Child Find What is Child Find? The process of identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities who are in need of early intervention, early childhood special education, or special education services. Federal and State law mandating eligibility for Special Education services is determined through evaluation within 60 SCHOOL DAYS from the date parent signs consent for Special Education evaluation OAR 581-015-2110 (5). Measured by Part B Indicator 11 of SPP/APR Child Find: Initial evaluations for Special Education eligibility. The requirement of a state to identify students with disabilities and evaluate for special education services. Child Find relates directly to the evaluation timeline for schools. The Child Find Data Collection is how ODE reports the information to the Federal government. ALL referrals to determine initial eligibility are included in the collection. Special Education Child Find
Why Do We Collect Data on Child Find? Ensure that students with disabilities are identified and evaluated within a reasonable amount of time and without any undue delays Improve outcomes for students through identification of needed services Identify any systemic issues and assist with improving practices and procedures Guide meaningful improvement planning by examining what’s working, what isn’t, and why Establish Federally mandated100% compliance ODE collects data to ensure that students are being evaluated in a timely manner across the state. We collect data to determine if systemic issues are occurring in the State of Oregon. The goal of Child Find is to improve outcomes for students by determining if students with disabilities are eligible for special education, and to make sure that if they do qualify, they are found eligible in a timely manner. When we delay evaluations, students are not able to receive the services and supports they need to be successful. The data collected informs districts on the specific causes of non-compliance. The student-level and school-level data, in combination with the proper use of the “Reason Timeline Not Met” codes, allow districts to pinpoint any areas of non-compliance or areas needing improvement in their evaluation process. Special Education Child Find
Part B Child Find Requirements Districts/programs are required to collect and report data for: Children currently receiving Early Intervention Services who are being evaluated to determine eligibility for Early Childhood Special Education Services Students being evaluated for IDEA Part B initial special education eligibility (ECSE or School Age) When students are receiving EI services and are initially evaluated for ECSE at age 3, they are reported in this collection. When students in ECSE are evaluated or when school age students K-12 are evaluated for initial services, they are reported in this collection. All other evaluations would be considered re-evaluations, even when transitioning from ECSE to school age (including DD). Special Education Child Find
Part B Child Find Requirements (Con’t.) Students being evaluated and considered for eligibility who were previously eligible under the IDEA, but whose eligibility was terminated by an IEP team (or parent revocation of consent) Students who have moved to Oregon with an eligibility from a different state (This includes previous Oregon students who moved out of state with a current Oregon eligibility, attended school out of state, and returned to Oregon with an out of state eligibility) The first step of the evaluation process is a review of existing records. Remember, a review of existing records does not require written consent. This is part of the evaluation planning meeting. We review records to determine if additional information is needed to determine eligibility. If no additional information is needed to determine eligibility, no consent for evaluation is needed. For students who have been exited and are being “reevaluated” for an initial evaluation, you may not need additional evaluation data to find the student eligible for special education services. The team may determine that the file contains sufficient information to determine eligibility. If this is the case, you would not need signed consent, no evaluation timeline would commence, and you would have no record to report. Remember, the Child Find Data Collection is the 60 school day evaluation timeline which starts with signed consent. For students moving into the state with an out of state eligibility, the same conditions apply. Review the record, determine if additional assessment information is needed. If so, signed consent is required and starts the 60 school day evaluation timeline. If not, no consent is needed and no record needs to be reported on The Child Find data collection. Special Education Child Find
Child Find Reporting Period Data is collected beginning on the date the parent signs consent for a special education evaluation and continues until an initial special education eligibility determination has been completed. Report all students for whom initial eligibility determination was completed between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. “the date of signed consent” means the date the parent signed the written consent—not the date the district received it. Special Education Child Find
Initial Evaluation Consent Date Enter date of consent for INITIAL evaluation by month, day and year. This is the date the parent/guardian signed the consent form, not the date the district/program received it. The value entered should be in the format of 'MMDDYYYY' (Notice that there are no slashes or hyphens between the month, day, or year). Even if parent dated it in February and didn’t turn into district until March, the date the consent was signed in February begins the 60 school day timeline countdown. THINK ABOUT: Is there an exception that would address this? #2 Parent did not present student. What would district need to put in COMMENTS? Explain exactly what happened. Special Education Child Find
Initial Eligibility Determination Date Enter the date the eligibility determination was made. This date must be between 7/1/15 and 6/30/16. This date should coincide with the eligibility team meeting date. If more than one meeting was held to complete the eligibility determination, fill in the most recent date. Leave yourself enough “wiggle” room in case the eligibility cannot be determined at the first meeting. Special Education Child Find
Was the Child Found Eligible? If the student was found eligible, click the “Child Eligible” box. If the student was not found eligible, leave the “Child Eligible” box empty. Again, all students need to be reported, even those who are not found eligible. A district or agency could report a student on child find multiple times. Examples: Situation 1. The student was referred three times and each determination was made between 7/1 – 6/30, but was not found eligible the first two times and found eligible the third. Three records would be reported. Situation 2. The student was referred three times and each determination was made between 7/1-6/30. The student was not found eligible the first time, found eligible the second time and not found eligible the third time. Two records will be reported, the first referral where the student was not found eligible and the second referral where the student was found eligible. The third referral would not be reported unless the student was not placed into special education on the second referral. Situation 3. The student was referred three times and each determination was made between 7/1-6/30. The student was found eligible the first time, but not placed into special education. The student was found eligible the second time and not placed into special education. The student was found eligible the third time and placed into special education. All three records would be reported. Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find Number of School Days If the evaluation takes place in 60 business days or less, the “Timeline School Days” field can be 0 (zero). If it takes more than 60 business days, the actual number of school days will need to be entered. Any number that is higher than 60 will be interpreted as an evaluation that exceeded the 60 school day timeline, so it is important to enter the actual number of school days (not weekdays) needed to complete the evaluation. School days are days that school was in session at least half of the day. School days do not include holidays, staff development days, grading days, snow days, orientation days, etc. Remember to have your school calendar available for reporting. Special Education Child Find
Reason Timeline Not Met 0 - Not applicable (Timeline Met) 2 - Parent/guardian did not present child/student for testing (comment required) 3 - Parent/guardian did not attend eligibility meeting 4 - Initial testing results indicated need for additional testing not identified through initial evaluation planning 5 - Delay by doctor/medical personnel (comment required) Code 2 is not an automatic exemption, ODE will determine the exemption after reading the comment. Comment/clarification should be specific and thorough so an accurate determination can be made. Code 5 also requires a comment. Be Specific. Special Education Child Find
Reason Timeline Not Met 6 - Delay by district/program evaluation staff 7 - Within extended timeline by written agreement for a transfer student 8 - Within extended timeline by written agreement to determine if a student has a specific learning disability 9 - Other (comment required) ODE encourages districts to have their staff make a comment when #6 is used. This information will be used by the district to improve practices. Number 9: When using a code that requires a comment, ODE will review your comment and most likely recode to another “not met” category. Please provide specific information when leaving a comment to assist with the assessment of the noncompliance. ODE will review all comments to determine appropriate coding. Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find What Code Would You Use? Doctor’s appointment could not be scheduled in time ESD required case history which took time to complete Student was absent 9 days Guardian could not attend meeting Meeting needed to be rescheduled It is important that districts properly code issues of non-compliance. The information can be used to inform districts WHAT the barriers to compliance are (what issues). The student and school-level data inform the district where the barriers to compliance are (at what levels). Data can be used for staff development—know who to train and what to train on. Delay by district – must be scheduled and attended in 60 school days. Delay by district – must occur within 60 school days. Delay by district – 9 days is not sufficient to warrant a delay. Delay by district – reschedule. Delay by district – schedule earlier in process to allow for rescheduling requests. Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find Steps to Submit Data Import or enter records into the Data Manager Validate records in the Data Manager Correct any errors Create a submission file Log onto the district website and submit the submission file Correct any errors that appear Approve the verification report Must be submitted by the close of business on July, 1 2016. Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find Correction Reports School Days Report Lists Consent for Evaluation Date, Eligibility Determination Date, and the number of 'School Days’ reported. Claimed Students Report Highlights students who were claimed as eligible for the December Child Count, BUT have a determination date AFTER Dec. 1, 2015 by comparing records against December Child Count. Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find Correction Reports Eligibility Report Compares records against December Child Count Students were not found eligible or parents did not give consent BUT the student was reported on the December Child Count Duplicate Report Compares multiple records submitted for the same student Suggests possible duplication or a record submitted incorrectly Incorrectly Reported Records Report Compares records against prior December Child Counts Student reported and claimed on December Child Count, therefore, does not qualify as an initial evaluation Special Education Child Find
Special Education Child Find Contact for content questions: Linda Brown (503) 947-5825 Contact for submission questions: Jackie McKim (503) 947-5629 Trish Lutgen (503) 947-5798 Special Education Child Find
Special Education June Exit Opens: Thursday, 5/26/2016 Closes: Friday, 7/1/2016 Reference dates - 37 days total to get the information in. Data Owner: Trish Lutgen
Special Education June Exit What is June Exit? This collection is for students ages 0-21 who have exited Special Education, or successfully transitioned from EI to ECSE on their 3rd birthday between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. For a student to be exited from Special Education: Parent revokes services in writing IEP team determines services no longer needed The June Special Education Exit Collection is for students ages 0-21 who have exited special education between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. This collection is also for children successfully transitioning from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education on their 3rd birthday. Remember, this year we will be collecting eligible records with the exited records. When exiting a student, indicate the date that the student exited the Special Education program. Again, that date reported must fall between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Do not confuse exiting special education with exiting school. Although for some students this occurs simultaneously, students who continue to receive Special Education services even after receipt of a certificate or modified diploma have not yet officially exited Special Education. In order for a student to be considered as exited from Special Education, either the parent needs to revoke services in writing, or the IEP team needs to make the determination that a student is no longer eligible for Special Education (there are always some gray areas, give us a call). These Exit data are primarily used for federal reporting purposes and data validation, so accuracy and data validity is very important. Please start working on your Exit data early. Power outages, floods, other natural disasters, illness, vacation, etc. all have caused districts to be counted as “Late” in the past. If taking vacation immediately after submitting your data, if possible, please leave a way for us to contact somebody in case there is a last minute correction that needs to be made. It helps us help you not be late or inaccurate. Additionally, as many of you already know, will submit active records along with their exited records during the Exit collection. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit 2015-2016 Submitting All Records: Exit Records Eligible Records (aka active records) Not Claimed Records (Code 80) Not Reported (Code 70) - Ignored No change to File Layout Who moved my cheese? There is a big change in this year’s report. For June Exit, you will also be reporting your eligible records. These are the students who are still in your district and have not exited Special Education. Please note that code 70 is only used in the Data Manager or a district’s system to exclude records. If code 70 records are submitted to ODE, there will be error messages. If the Data Manager is used, it will exclude the code 70 records from the submission file. If your district is utilizing their own system, make sure it excludes the code 70 records from the submission file. Note that code 80 records will be considered an eligible record. Only one eligible record allowed. If two districts submit an eligible record, an error message should occur. There will be no change to the file layout. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Rationale for Adding All Records: To Validate Data: ADM Discipline Child Find Assessment Post School Outcomes SPR&I Part C - EI cumulative counts (IDEA required) Improve June Exit data Who moved my cheese? The rationale for adding eligible records to the collection: to validate data reported in other collections cumulative counts for EI are going to be required by IDEA to improve June Exit data Don’t panic – there are only certain core fields that we will validating for the eligible records. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Please DON’T report an exit record AND eligible record! Submitting an exit record or an eligible record is okay BUT an exit record and an eligible or not claimed record is not. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Would this be an eligible, exit or not claimed record? A 14 year old student receiving special education services from your district moves to Germany during spring break (March 2016). The student shows up the last week of school before summer break. How the student is reported on June Exit depends: When the student returned did they resume receiving services with current eligibility and IEP? If yes to all, then report an eligible record for this student. If the student resumes receiving services but does not have current Oregon eligibility or a current IEP, report the record as “not claimed.” Was the student just stopping by for a visit? Report an exit record. Special Education June Exit
Exiting EI, ECSE, and School Age Report: EI children exiting Part C (E1) EI children successfully transitioning to ECSE (A2) ECSE children exiting special education or transitioning to School Age (E2) School Age students exiting special education (E3) Exiting EI, ECSE, and School Age students For this Exit collection, you will report EI children (birth through 2), ECSE children (3 through 4), and School Age students K through 21 with the date they exited Special Education. Remember, the Record Type code (the first field in consolidated) for exited EI children is E1, for ECSE children is E2, and for School Age students is E3. Additionally, for children transitioning from EI to ECSE (so EI students not exiting Special Education, just the EI program), these students are reported in the Exit collection as a Record Type of A2 (Active ECSE). These are the only active records that will be submitted for this Exit collection. Also, exit ECSE children exiting special education or transitioning to School Age. Special Education June Exit
Exiting EI, ECSE, and School Age Counts must be unduplicated within a district Do not exit if child has an active IFSP or IEP with the district or program at the end of reporting period (July 1, 2016) Exit EI children for whom ECSE eligibility has not been made Exit ECSE transitioning to Kindergarten, regardless of whether they are or are not eligible for school age services Inter-district transfer agreement rule Here is some more information about exiting EI, ECSE, and School Age students: Counts in the Exit collection must be unduplicated within a district. What this means; So, if a child comes and goes in Special Education throughout the reporting year within a district or program and did not resume services by the end of the reporting period, count only the last time and date the child exited. Conversely, do not exit if a child has an active IFSP or IEP with the district or program by the end of reporting period (July 1, 2016). (So, similar to the above bullet, if a student comes and goes in Special Education within a district throughout the year, but are back by July 1, 2016, they are not exited and not reported in the exit collection). When exiting EI children (or exiting part C), exit all children for whom Part B eligibility has not been made. This includes children who were referred for Part B evaluation, but for whom the eligibility determination was not made, or reported, by the child’s 3rd birthday, or whose parents did not consent to transition planning. When exiting ECSE children, include all children who are no longer eligible for services (of course), and all ECSE children transitioning to Kindergarten, regardless of whether they are or are not eligible for school age services. Also, I want to talk about the recent inter-district transfer rule that now states the attending district is now responsible for FAPE. This means that the attending district will now be responsible for exiting qualifying inter-district transfer students. Additionally, anytime a new inter-district transfer agreement is put into place where FAPE changes from one district to another, there needs to be an exit record reflecting this. For example, in a situation where a student who attended District A now attends District B through an inter-district transfer agreement, District A will need to exit that student as ‘moved, continuing education’. We understand that there are many cases of inter-district transfer agreements that occurred before the new rule, and even from the creation of the new rule to now. We are not going to validate these inter-district transfer exits during this exit collection. However, we will next year. We are letting you know now so that you can plan to exit all new inter-district transfer students where FAPE changes on next years exit collection. If your district has been keeping track of the new inter-district transfer students where FAPE changes and want to report those students as exited on this exit collection, please feel free to do so, but we do not expect you to submit these records this year. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Codes for Exiting EI 10 IFSP Completed Before Age 3 11 Part B Eligibility Not Determined 12 Not Eligible for Part B, Exited w/Referrals to other programs 13 Not Eligible for Part B, Exited w/No Referrals 15 Deceased 16 Moved within Oregon 17 Moved Out of State 18 Withdrawal by Parent (or guardian) 19 Contacts Unsuccessful Please see page 89 in the Process and Content Manual for details associated with the codes listed above. The next three slides will show the codes used to describe how a child or student exited Special Education. Codes 10-19 are for children exiting EI programs, codes 20-29 are for children exiting ECSE programs, and codes 30-39 are for students exiting School Age programs. Many of the codes are similar between EI, ECSE, and School Age, so I will touch on some of the codes that are unique between EI, ECSE, or School Age. These codes (10-19) are used for exiting EI children. 10: These are children who have not reached maximum age for Part C, but have completed their IFSP, and no longer require services under Part C. 11: These are children who have been referred for Part B services, but the determination has not been made by their 3rd birthday. 12: In some instances, EI children may be found not eligible for Part B, and are exited with referrals to other programs – such as preschool learning centers, Head Start, child care centers and/or health and nutrition services, such as WIC. 13: For children exited with no referrals. 19: For Contacts Unsuccessful, include all children who had an active IFSP and for whom personnel have been unable to contact or locate the family or child after repeated, documented attempts, and who have not been counted in categories 16 to 18. (16-moved within Oregon, 17-Moved out of state, 18-Withdrawal by parent or guardian). Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Codes for Exiting ECSE 20 School Age (5+) Part B Eligible 21 School Age Eligibility Not Determined 22 Not Eligible for School Age Services, Exited w/Referrals 23 Not Eligible for School Age Services, Exited w/No Referrals 24 No Longer Eligible for ECSE Prior to Kindergarten 25 Deceased 26 Moved Within Oregon 27 Moved out of State 28 Withdrawal by Parent (or guardian) 29 Contacts Unsuccessful Please see page 90-91 in the Process and Content Manual for details associated with the codes listed above. These codes (20-29) are used for exiting ECSE children and are similar to the EI codes. 20: These are children who exited ECSE and were determined eligible for School age services. 21: These are children who have been referred for school age services, but the determination has not been made yet. 22: Meaning students who reached maximum age for ECSE and were determined not eligible for School Age services, but referred to other programs such as health or nutrition services like WIC. 23: For children exited from ECSE with no referrals. 24: These are students who have successfully completed their IFSP. Special Education June Exit
Codes for Exiting School Age 30 Graduation with Regular Diploma 31 Received a Modified Diploma 32 Received a Certificate 33 Returned to Regular Education 34 Reached Maximum Age 35 Deceased 36 Moved, Continuing in Education 37 Extended Diploma 39 Dropped Out Please see page 91-92 in the Process and Content Manual for details associated with the codes listed above. These codes (30-39) are used to exit School Age students and are a little different than the EI and ECSE exit codes. 30: Graduation with a Regular Diploma includes individuals who exited an educational program through receipt of a regular high school diploma. When a student receives a Regular Diploma, FAPE ends. 31: A modified diploma is an alternate diploma that does not meet the minimum criteria for a Regular High School Diploma as determined by the district in which it is awarded. Although awarding a student with a modified diploma counts as part of the graduation rate, it does not automatically terminate a districts responsibility for providing FAPE like a Regular Diploma does. Students are still eligible for transition services and the right to earn a regular diploma. If a district is uncertain if a student awarded a modified diploma (say in June) will return the following school year (September), a district should wait and exit a student as of the first day of school if they do not return. For example, if a district is not sure whether a student receiving a modified diploma at the end of this school year (next month) will return after the Summer for services in September, this district should not exit that student in this exit collection, but next years exit collection. So, districts that awarded Modified Diplomas to students last year (end of 14-15 SY) who did not return to school this year (September for the 15-16 SY), then the district can exit that student as of the first day of the school year on this exit collection as receiving a Modified Diploma. Of course, if the district knows the student is not returning or consent has been revoked, they can report the student as exited in the school year in which the Modified Diploma was awarded. This is the same for a student who receives a certificate of completion (exit code 32). 33: Students who return to regular education have been evaluated and have been determined they are no longer eligible for Special Education services and are receiving all of their educational services from a regular education program. This includes students who left to attend home school with no special education services, or students whose parents have revoked consent in writing for all special education services. 34: Students who have reached maximum age (21) without receiving a diploma or any type of certificate should be coded as a 34. Remember that students who turn 21 during a school year may continue to receive services throughout the rest of that school year. If they reached maximum age and at some point received a certificate or modified diploma during that school year, exit them reporting what certificate or diploma they received. 35: Codes 15, 25, and 35 are for students who are exited as deceased. This code does not need much explanation. However, every year we resurrect students that have been incorrectly coded as deceased. Please be careful with this code. 36: Some students will move and continue education (not just Special Education) in another district. Districts may need to do some investigating to find where a student has ended up to avoid having to code that student as a dropout (the dreaded code 39). Students who have moved from a district, but ended up back within the district before the school year ends should not be exited. Also, for new inter-district transfer students where FAPE changes from the Resident to the new Attending District, the Resident district will exit that student as “Moved, Continuing Education.” As I mentioned earlier, don’t worry about exiting those students on this collection, but prepare to report those students on next year’s Exit collection. 37: Code students who have “received an extended diploma” during the reporting period in which they leave Special Education. Do not report students as exited when they received an extended diploma if they continue to receive Special Education. 39; A student is considered as a dropout if the student was enrolled during the current school year and has withdrawn from school, or was enrolled in the previous school year but not in the current school year. Please see page 88-89 in the process and content manual for examples of what is considered and what is not considered a dropout. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Reviewing Errors Always verify submission for errors. After your submission file has uploaded, you need to verify your data submission for errors, even if you have already validated your records in the Data Manager. To get to your errors in Consolidated Collections, hover your mouse over the Student Collections menu header, then over the June Special Education Exit Collection, then Error Management, then Review Errors. Click on Review Errors. If errors were found in your data, they will be listed there. To fix your errors record by record in Consolidated, click on the Fix Errors link to the right of the Error Type and Error Description (red arrow). You may have multiple errors under each Error Type. After selecting Fix Errors, the screen will show you the records associated with that error needing attention. Click on Fix Errors to correct errors. Special Education June Exit
Fixing Errors in Consolidated To fix each record error in Consolidated, select the green check mark to the left of each record. This screen will show each record with an error under a particular Error Type. This error indicates that the record being submitted matches some of the core fields of a record in the SSID system, but the submitted record does not match all core fields. Under the Error Value, the system will give you core data information on the record the record you are submitting and the record the system believes you are trying to submit. So for this record being submitted, the SSID (ChkDigitStdntID) matches another SSID in the SSID system (7678150 #), but the birthdate, Last 4 of SSN, District Student ID, and last name do not match. To fix each record error in Consolidated, select the green check mark to the left of the record. The record itself will then appear below the error. There are often multiple records with errors that need attention in this screen. To delete a record on this screen, click on the red X to the right of the record. This does not delete the error, it deletes the record from your submission. Once you have fixed the error, click the Save button at the bottom or top of the record to save the record with the changes. “Record Saved” will appear at the top of the record if your record is free of errors. If the record still has errors after saving, you will receive the “Errors – See Below” message. Once you have fixed all errors, return to Review Errors screen under the Review Errors tab to ensure all errors are resolved (shown on the previous slide). Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Verification Reports After errors are resolved, verify submission counts by clicking arrow to the left of June Special Education Exit Collection. Status Tracking tab and School Year Click on small arrow to view reports 2015-2016 After all errors have been fixed you need to verify the number records you submitted and print the Final Submission Form. This is the easiest step to forget and gets the most people into trouble. Some districts upload their data early, but forget to complete these final steps. Your submission is not complete until these final steps are completed. To complete these final steps, click on the Status Tracking tab to view a list of the collections you have access to (like what you see on the slide). Also be sure to select the correct School Year (2015-2016) which you see just below the Status Tracking tab. This is important, because you may be verifying exit records for the wrong school year. To verify your exit records, click on the tiny arrow to the left of the collection name and date (June Special Education Exit Collection 15-16). Four reports will be listed, waiting for approval. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Verification Reports Select the box to the left of the report name; review the data in the spreadsheet that appears below. If the data are correct, click Approve Report button and the red X will become a green check mark. Repeat for remaining reports until you have all green check marks in the current status column. The four reports you need to approve are Age At Exit By Exit Reason, Disability Type By Exit Reason, Race/Ethnicity By Exit Reason, and Leaver Verification. To approve a report, click on the small box to the left of the report name and verify the numbers in the table that appears. If the counts are correct, click on the “Approve Report” button. The red X to the right of the report will change to a green check mark. Repeat for the remaining reports. Special Education June Exit
Special Education June Exit Submission Form When all verification reports are approved, a ‘Successful Submission Form’ link will appear Click on the ‘Successful Submission Form’ button Open and print out the Submission Form Have the Special Ed Director or Superintendent sign form Mail the original to ODE Training Materials: After approving the four reports, and the red X’s have turned to green check marks, a Successful Submission Form button will appear above the report names. Click on the button and print out your submission form, sign it, and mail an original version to our office. The address will be on the bottom of the Final Submission Form. No need to send by registered mail. The link has a variety of helpful documents that may help with submitting data. And that is it. Pretty simple, huh. Remember, the Exit collection opens May 26, 2016 and closes July 1, 2016. There will be a correction period, or ECR’s, that open sometime in late August or early September. Look for the Listserv message reminders. The schedule of these collection due dates can also be seen on the ODE District website under the schedule of due dates. If you have Questions about the Exit collection, or anything else for that matter, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Special Education June Exit
Thank You!! Special Education June Exit Special Education June Exit Contact for content and submission questions: Jackie McKim (503) 947-5629 Trish Lutgen (503) 947-5798 Cynthia Garton (503) 947-5696 Thank You!! Special Education June Exit
Questions? Goodbye all!! Thank you for a great two years! - Wes
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! We appreciate you! We can’t produce accurate reports without all that great data you submit!