Early Humans Research By Class 6-201 Help By Ms. Fraser
Early Humans Research By Class 6-201 Samantha Cabrera, Justin De La Cruz, Max De La Rosa, Jennifer Lucero, Jevone McIlwain Teachers: M .Fraser, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Cappy and Ms. Flora
Part 1: Early Humans
What is Evolution? Evolution is when living beings change over long periods of time.
What did early humans eat? Early humans ate bird eggs, tubers, and fruits.
Did early humans produce any artwork? This is a picture of how the early humans used to draw. Cave paintings let us learn about the lives of people long ago. People painted the common animals of the time.
What did early humans use as weapons?
What did early humans use as weapons? The early humans used bamboo. Also they used stone and bone weapons They used many materials to make the very use full weapons.
What kinds of houses did early humans live in? They lived in huts, caves, and tents. First they lived in caves, then huts then tents .
Part 2: Lucy
Who was Lucy? Lucy was an early hominid. But she wasn't the only one. She was an important discovery.
When did Lucy live? When was she discovered? Lucy lived over 3 million years ago. She was discovered in 1974 by Donald Johansson. She was found with other skeletons. He found that her skull was like a persons.
What are some characteristics of Lucy? Lucy seemed like an average young women [as an ape.] She looked like half human and half ape or chimpanzee.
How did Lucy walk? Lucy walked like a chimp and like a human. Sometimes she would walk like a chimp with her knees and back bent. She had very short legs and arms. She walked like us too. She could walk with her body straight.
WHAT DID LUCY LOOK LIKE? Lucy had long arms and short legs. Lucy was a human and she looked like a chimpanzee. She had a lot of fur all around her.
What was Lucy’s life like? Lucy’s life was like an adventure. Lucy needed to hunt for her food, cloths, weapons and etc.
Why was Lucy’s discovery so important? Donald Johansson discovered Lucy in1974. She was one of the first species to be discovered.
Why was Lucy’s discovery important? Lucy’s discovery was important because she was the first person that could walk on her feet like human. She was one of the first women.
Why was Lucy’s discovery important? Lucy’s discovery was important because she was the first early human discovered that could walk on two legs.
How are early humans and modern humans similar and different? Part 3: How are early humans and modern humans similar and different?
What are the similarities of Early Humans and Modern Humans? Both are humans. Both ate food and need water and shelter. Both made weapons and tools. Both needed animals to live.
What were the lives of early humans like? They looked like monkeys. They didn’t have electricity. They lived in caves. They wore animal skins. They hunted for food. They didn’t go to school.
What are modern humans lives like? They look like humans, not monkeys. They buy food in stores. They live in houses and wear fabric clothes.
Modern Humans Early Humans Similarities Live in houses Have electricity Wear fabric clothes Do not look like monkeys Go to school Buy food in a store Some hunt for food Scientific name for modern humans is homo sapiens Look like humans Have hair all over them Used tools made of bone Hunted for food Lived in caves Walked bent over Didn’t have electricity Wore animal skins Scientific name for early human is Australopithecus Need animals to live Need food and water Make tools and weapons Walked on two legs Breathe air Lived in houses Wore animal skin clothing Made children Similarities
The End Thank you for reading about early humans. Class 201 would like to thank : Miss Fraser, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Flora- For all the help Ms. Mancini- for the computers Ms. Gentile- for accepting us the way we are Ms. Cappy- for the lollypops Our Parents and Families- for loving us And Ms. Adduci for buying us the computers!
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