Clusters: August 29
List student names that come to mind as you read description of active and passive student behavior
Partner Compare Did you and your partner identify the same students? different students?
Connected back to RF4 read accurately and fluently to support comprehension
Learning Target: By the end of Clusters, teachers will be able to explain HOW students will master (or work towards mastery) of standard by -aligning assessment to state standard -measuring students performance in more than two ways -providing measurable criteria -requiring written tasks How will we know that students are fluent? How will we know for certain they understand?
TAP Rubric Connection TAP Rubric Connection: Assessment Descriptors: *Aligned to State Standard *Have measurable criteria *Measure student performance in more than two ways *Require written tasks
Preview of Lesson Math Objective Active Prior Knowledge-Which students come to mind? What do we want students to learn? -Ticket In (this week’s learning) Partner Practice -Model and teach fluency practice using resources Engage NY and Differentiated Math Sprints Apply/Develop with NBT 5 -How will we know that students have mastered standards? Look inside lesson plan Closure and Reflection -Ticket Out
Preview of Lesson ELA Objective Activate Prior Knowledge-Which students come to mind? What do we want students to learn? -Ticket In (this week’s learning) How does this week’s learning relate to Active Readers? -Think Pair Share How do you support Active/proficient readers? -Read Habits of Proficient Readers -Discuss how instruction corresponds to article What happens if they can’t read? -What measurement can we use to assess student reading ability? Why now? Apply/Develop Analyze types of reading assessment
Fifth Grade: Find the similarities and differences in the standard across grade levels What are we learning this week?
ELA Apply Use assessment to pinpoint students reading ability by next Cluster (Sept 12th)
Reflection TAP Rubric connection: Assessments: What is the purpose of collecting data and information on your students?