Detailed Analysis of MiBench benchmark suite Lin Tang, Shweta Mokashi EEL 5764 Computer Architecture
Overview Motivation MiBench benchmark suite Simulation Methodology Simulation Results Future work
Motivation Majority of microprocessors employed in embedded domain Features like instruction distribution, memory behavior and available parallelism distinguish embedded applications from other applications Most widely used SPEC benchmarks characterize workload for general purpose computers Wide range of applications makes it difficult to characterize the embedded domain
MiBench Suite All programs are freely available as standard C code Benchmarks are divided into six suites - each suite targets a specific area of embedded market Benchmarks Automotive and Industrial Control: Processors require performance in basic math abilities, bit manipulation, data input/output and simple data organization Network: Require processors involving shortest path calculations, tree and table lookups and data input and output
MiBench Suite (contd.) Security: Includes algorithms for data encryption, decryption and hashing Consumer Devices: Multimedia applications which include jpeg encoding/decoding, image color format conversion, image dithering, color palette reduction, MP3 encode/decoding, and HTML typesetting Office Automation: Text manipulation algorithms representing office machinery like printers, fax machines and word processors Telecommunications: Benchmarks consist of voice encoding and decoding algorithms, frequency analysis and a checksum algorithm
MiBench Benchmarks Auto/ Industrial Network Security Consumer Devices Office Automation TeleComm Basicmath Djikstra Blowfish encode Jpeg Rsynth Crc Bitcount Patricia Blowfish decode Lame stringsearch Fft Qsort Rjindael decode mad ifft Susan (edges) Sha sha tiff2rgba Susan (corners) Blowfish tiffdither Susan (smoothing) tiffmedian
Simulation Methodology Simulation Tool: SimpleScalar ARM Branch prediction schemes: Bimodal Comb Gshare Notaken Taken Cache Miss Rate as a function of … Cache size N-way set associative ARM Configuration
Instruction count
Instruction Mix
Cache Miss Rates
Branch Prediction results
ARM Configurations
Instructions per cycle
Future work Power Analysis using Sim-panalyzer Estimate power consumption in different components that model distinct parts of computer – cache power, datapath and execution power, clock tree power and I/O) power