Judicial Branch
What are the duties of the judicial branch? Interpreting laws-what laws apply to certain situations Settling legal disputes Punishing violators of the law Ensure the accused have due process of law Protect individual rights
JURISDICTION The courts authority to hear a case. Answers the question: What cases go to what court?
State v. Federal Court The state courts hear cases involving violations of state law. The federal courts hear cases involving federal law. This is called jurisdiction….all courts have jurisdiction of some kind.
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION The court’s authority to hear cases for the first time. Example-District Court (state or federal)-all cases start at district court therefore they have original jurisdiction They determine if a person is guilty or innocent, jury trial.
APPELLATE JURISDICTION The court’s authority to review cases. Example-Court of Appeals and Supreme Courts-they only review cases to determine if the lower court made the right decision.
Concurrent Jurisdiction Cases that can be heard by both the two or more court system Example: Michael Vick was tried in convicted in Virginia State and Federal Court