College Green Vocabulary Supporting your child’s Language, Emotions, Behavior and Critical Thinking.
All the language that is used at College Green is supported by RRSA ( Right’s Respecting School Award) & ECAT ( Every Child A Talker) Key Words & Sentences;
This will support your child, when you feel that the activity they are participating in is unsafe or not inline with the expected behaviour. Make sure you have the child’s full attention Say the sentence clearly using a questioning facial expression Give the child time to reflect If the child does not adjust their play/ behaviour, the adult should sit with the child explain the consequence of their actions in child friendly language SEE CONSEQUENCE WORD SHEET
This will support the child to make decisions using critical thinking. CONSEQUENCE Use the word CONSEQUENCE to support the child to make a decision Only give the child two options Respect the child’s decision, but make it clear that the child understands the choice they have made Conversation sample; Adult “ the CONSEQUENCE is that you will not have a model/ picture but other people will! Are you happy with your choice?” Child “ Yes, I am not doing it” Adult “ You have the right to not take part maybe you can do it next time” “ so you are happy that you will not have a model/picture?
This will help the child evaluate their own safety using critical thinking and building on safety awareness. Are you keeping safe? Make sure you have the child’s full attention Say the sentence clearly using a questioning facial expression Give the child time to reflect If the child does not adjust their play/ behaviour, the adult should sit with the child explain the consequence of their actions in child friendly language SEE CONSEQUENCE WORD SHEET
STOP! I don’t like it, your not RESPECTING me! This will empower the child to manage their own rights and build on negotiation skills of solving simple problems. STOP! I don’t like it, your not RESPECTING me! When a child comes to you with a simple problem or complaint about another child, support the child by guiding them to use this sentence above. Aid the child with verbal and visual support, such as; Hold up your hand to the other child and say STOP! Look, at the other child’s face Use your word ‘s to tell them how you feel Tell the other child how they can make you feel better? 3. Support the child by listening and giving reassurance.
Put away before you walk away? This will support the child with carrying out simple tasks and managing and respecting their own properties and caring for the environment . Put away before you walk away? Support the child by having tidy boxes labelled or in the same place Give praise and support when needed Give the child time to carry out the task Be CONSISTENT
This will support the child with social interactions, growing an awareness of others feeling and emotions, negotiating skills and communication with others. Sharing is caring! When the child is interacting with others adults should model sharing by turn taking using clear calm language. The child should not always be first, even when it is only one adult and one child engaging in play.
What is a Charter ? How can I use it at home? A charter is an agreement (rules) created by the adult and child to support any areas that the child is needing support; Dinner time Bed time Tidy up time behaviour management. Charters can be set by the child, this gives the child owner ship of their behaviour and the adult can then say to the child “ this is your charter ,not mine! you set these routines so you need to keep in line with your own agreement” Charters give the child; Organisation Ownership Continuity / Consistency Clear consequences Charters need to be RESPECTED by all involved in the child’s care They can be displayed by using pictures, photos, child’s drawings or words.