GEMC simulations Virtual detector placed just beyond aperture of third ion final focus quad 1 um downstream of aperture, 17 cm radius All physics processes disabled except transportation to avoid gammas from decay – hit processes on detector volumes enabled Sensitivity of virtual detector = 1; sensitivity of all other volumes = 0 All particles from BeAGLE input that pass through third ion final focus quad are recorded x < 0.002 data A. Sy – GEMC simulations and data analysis – 9/29/2017
GEMC simulations Virtual detector A. Sy – GEMC simulations and data analysis – 9/29/2017
Data analysis for particles on virtual detector Neutron multiplicity A. Sy – GEMC simulations and data analysis – 9/29/2017
Data analysis for particles on virtual detector Proton multiplicity A. Sy – GEMC simulations and data analysis – 9/29/2017