BHSA Meeting August 22, 2018
Regional Capacity Coaches Brief History What is coaching? Who are the Regional Capacity Coaches? What can they provide? Capacity Assessment and next steps How do you contact them?
Brief History Originally funded as part of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) 2011-2015 to provide coaching to the funded coalitions to implement the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to address underage drinking or impaired driving in the selected counties. During the five years of the grant, the coaches also began to introduce the SPF to the general prevention field throughout the state by inviting prevention professionals to trainings Funded through the SAPT BG Primary Prevention Set-Aside 2015-2016 to assist the counties with learning and implementing the SPF in all counties throughout the state Funded through the SAPT BG Primary Prevention Set-Aside and Partnership for Success (PFS) 2016-present. Continue to provide coaching on the utilization of SPF throughout the state
What is Coaching? Coaching is a goal oriented, generative solutions focused process in which a client (agency) is guided to develop a vision, delineate a range of goals and options to realize this vision, develop and implement action plans to achieve those goals, identifying roadblocks and constructing possible solutions to these throughout the change process (Moore & Tschannen--‐‑Moran, 2010; Whitworth, et al., 2007; Stober & Grant, 2006) Coaching involves two critical components: 1) reflection, an opportunity to think about and clarify visions, values, goals and hurdles; and 2) action, a commitment to take self defined steps to move towards goals
What is Coaching? Coaches collaborate with DAODAS to support the goals and mission of DAODAS The mission of DAODAS is to ensure the availability and quality of a continuum of substance use services, thereby improving the health status, safety, and quality of life of individuals, families, and communities across South Carolina. Prevention Team Mission Statement: Provide support to prevent substance use and misuse Coaches and agencies also work as a team to make smart decisions that support the agencies’ vision, goals, needs and values Coaches are collaborative and co-creative partners with agencies, using evocative approaches more than didactic approaches What does Coaching do? Coaching supports developing and sustaining behavior changes related to uptake and the successful application of new information by addressing several simultaneous problems (Fixsen, et al., 2005; Stober & Grant 2006; Whitworth et al., 2007; Moore &Tschannen--‐‑Moran, 2010).
Who are the Regional Capacity Coaches? Region One: Lou Anne Johnson, housed at the Phoenix Center in Greenville Region Two: Ashley Bodiford, housed at LRADAC in Columbia Region Three: Dawn Blackmon, housed at CirclePark in Florence Region Four: Jacque Martinez, housed at The Kennedy Center, Berkeley
What can they provide? The Coaches’ priority responsibility is to build the capacity of county 301 authorities (organizations) to utilize the Strategic Planning Framework (SPF), also known as the Strategic Prevention Framework. As related to capacity of prevention professionals in particular, the Regional Capacity Coach is available to help strengthen the workforce’s capacity to use the SPF on a continuous basis. The Regional Capacity Coach is responsible for providing timely and useful training and technical assistance (TTA) within the region. Coaches are expected to provide training and technical assistance for block grant and discretionary grant related staff, programs, practices, and services.
What can they provide? (cont.) Provide coaching on the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Overall, conduct or coordinate effective regional training and technical assistance based on identified needs of 301 authorities Coordinate, conduct and/or promote at least one regional in- person training and one regional webinar each quarter Review county-level deliverables and assure information entered into IMPACT is accurate
Next Steps Next Steps following today’s meeting: Schedule a meeting with your coach to receive follow-up from the items noted on the capacity assessment worksheet
Contact Information Region One: Lou Anne Johnson, Mobile: (864) 360-4822 and E-mail: Region Two: Ashley Bodiford, Office: (803) 726-9443 Mobile: (803) 201-9092 and E-mail: Region Three: Dawn Blackmon, Office: (843) 664-3963 Mobile: (843) 229-3911 and E-mail: Region Four: Jacqulynn Martinez, Office: (843) 797-7871, Ext. 112 Mobile: (843) 312-7542 and E-mail: