Ancient Rome: Birth of the Republic
Journal Entry #5 Why is it so important to create a uniform system of laws in a society? Why must those laws be made public? When we study most ancient civilizations, are these legal codes focused on PUNISHMENT or REHABILITATION?
Geography Italian Peninsula Boot-shaped Peninsula that juts south into the heart of the Mediterranean---KEY! Halfway Point Protected by the Alps to the North Sea- Protection, Transportation Rich Soil & Mild Climate!
Romulus & Remus Legend of the founding of Rome in 753 BCE Twin brothers set adrift on Tiber River as babes Instead raised by a she-wolf Adopted by a Shephard who raise them as sons -Agrarian Link- Romulus & Remus decided to build city on Tiber Fought over name, Romulus killed Remus & named Rome after himself
Etruscans Rome came under Etruscan rule around 616 BCE MONARCHY Hugely Influential on the city of Rome Arch in Architecture, 1st city walls & sewers, alphabet & number system, gladiator games & chariot races Tarquin the Proud, the last Etruscan King, overthrown by Romans
Arch, Jewelry, Bronze Sculpture
Patricians v. Plebeians NOBLES Controlled all aspects of society Politics, Religion, Economics, Military COMMON PEOPLE Little influence Constant battle w/Patricians Tribunes Ability to Veto laws that adversely affected Plebeians
Establishment of the Republic Republic – representative government; elected officials governed Senate – 300 members; initially only Patricians Upper class, landowners Served for life Made the Laws TWO Consuls- Why Two? Didn’t want another King! Executives of the Gov’t (much like a president) Command the Military 1 Term Limit, could only run again 10 years later Dictator –times of emergency, 6 months only
Government Structure Based off an unwritten, flexible Constitution -Political Structure, Source of Great Pride Senate- 300 Members; Advised magistrates, controlled public finances & foreign relations; reviewed proposed laws Tribunes- Plebeians; could veto laws that were harmful to plebeians Assemblies- All Citizens voted on laws & elected magistrates; tried cases, declare war
Creation of the Roman Forum Central Square in which all major government buildings & temples were located Located b/w Palatine Hill (Wealthy) & Capitoline Hill (Temples) Political, Social & Cultural Center of Rome -Sound familiar? Greek Acropolis & Agora… Law of the Twelve Tables- Displayed for all to see, at the Plebeians’ insistence; prevented Patrician judges from making unjust rulings against them
Law of Twelve Tables In groups of 2-3, complete the Law of Twelve Tables Handout One per Group, but all will be responsible for knowing the material! Turn in upon completion Big Q- Why is this so important to Roman Society?