Early/first level Class Small Isles Primary
Beginnings… My teaching journey April 2007 August 2007 January 2012 NOW!
Around our school
Key things initially Resources that are easily available Children who understand the importance of putting things away where they should be Workshop areas that have resources/challenges that extend the children Children who have clear targets to work towards and who know how to achieve them A belief that children learn without adult input Independent children!
Next steps A staff team that views all the children as ‘theirs’. A regular observation system Clear planning for children and staff Clear outcomes and next steps for all
View everything that happens in school as a learning opportunity
Other thoughts… Try to say yes rather than no – negotiate! Make the most of every area – visit other schools and steal ideas! See everything that happens at school as a learning opportunity. Work together as a whole team – children, staff, parents, community. Real involvement in decision-making
How does a day work in an early/first/second level class?
To retain their sense of wonder, children need adults who honour the way they learn. Children of all ages should have abundant time for active, free-flow play, during which they take the initiative, think creatively, wrestle with challenges and forge friendship. A wealth of open-ended play can build a foundation of confidence that enables children to take responsibility and meet life with determination and joy. Rachel Carson (1956)