OWLS Pipeline Status Report STEP 2007 Workshop, JPL Mon, Aug 20, 2007 MSSG, J.Young, P. Martini, K. Honscheid, D. Weinberg, C. Kochanek + OWLS Team ( OWLS = OSU Weak Lensing Survey)
Outline Description of hybrid approach Our current results from deconvolving Cuts on various sextractor quantities and their effects Plans: KSB, Subaru images, LBT images
‘Hybrid’ Approach Seems slightly unorthodox, but we do it in 2 steps: For sextractor, we need to make pstamp recompositions of each object from shapelets Then separately sextract them We should be able to get this from shapelets coefficients also, working on this… Deconvolve using shapelets Extract ellipticity averages using sextractor
Deconvolving with Extracted PSF We used the starfield for the psfs Extract psf in same way we would for cluster: pick stars, make decomp, fix beta and nmax, decomp again Constant psf *not* assumed We then deconvolved the galaxy field with this psf
Example of Deconvolved Galaxy (psfD, file shear20, object #1)
Our Current Results Average of PSF’s A,D,E, Squares = rotation-matched, triangles = original only ; red square = our result
Plans Fits with errors – will implement bootstrap Next: go to Subaru A1689 images Then to LBT images – have 2 clusters in hand Abell 611:
BACKUP Slides .
Results with Known PSF We used PSFs sent to us by J. Berge’ Plot of rotation-matched averaged c, m for ADE compared to paper, Red = ours
Cut effects on results Made cuts on several quantities (sexarea, sexflux, a*b, shapelets error) and saw results improve Example: change in m as function of shapelets error cut: