The assessment criteria we use are…. Knowledge and understanding of the history of C20 art Knowledge and understanding of theoretical issues discussed in the course Evidence of ability to apply this historical and theoretical knowledge to discussion of the works chosen Evidence of skills of visual analysis Evidence of ability to think critically and to compare different points of view Essay clearly written and presented using appropriate academic conventions
The grading levels are: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Inadequate
So the things we look for are…. Quality and structure of argument, including relevance Subject knowledge Independence of thought Attention to the specifics of the works of art chosen The ability to use theoretical texts effectively in relation to chosen examples The ability to relate the two chosen works to a wider context Quality and precision of referencing/bibliography
Checklist – make sure you Have included the relevant illustrations Have followed the brief Have observed the word limit Have centred your discussion upon your main examples Have made substantial and appropriate reference to your chief texts
Themes Autonomy/engagement Modernism/postmodernism Globalisation/hybridity Authenticity/appropriation Ethnicity/Gender/Identity The role of the Aesthetic Medium specificity/hybridity
Pollock/Art & Language How would you develop an EMA argument using these two examples? Which themes would you apply to them?
Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950. Oil on canvas (266 Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950. Oil on canvas (266.7 x 525.8 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Art & Language: Portrait of VI Lenin in the Style of Jackson Pollock V, 1980, Lisson Gallery
Art & Language Portrait of V. I Art & Language Portrait of V. I. Lenin in the Style of Jackson Pollock V 1980, Lisson Gallery
Art and Language: Portrait of V. I Art and Language: Portrait of V.I. Lenin with Cap, in the Style of Jackson Pollock III 1980
Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950. Oil on canvas (266 Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950. Oil on canvas (266.7 x 525.8 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York