Welcome to Back to School Night! Biology Mrs. Lambiase
IMPORTANT INFO…… please visit my WEBPAGE!! Feel free to contact us at….. tlambias@monroe.k12.nj.us please visit my WEBPAGE!! https://www.monroe.k12.nj.us/Domain/270 Textbook found on IPAD ALWAYS CHECK GENESIS LOOK FOR PROGRESS REPORTS
Check Schedule on Class Webpage Extra Help! Offered weekly in F219 Check Schedule on Class Webpage Mrs. Lambiase After school: Schedule an appointment
4 MARKING PERIODS! 1st marking period 11/15 2nd marking period 1/31 3rd marking period 4/5 4th marking period 6/18
Tests 55% Lab/Projects 25% Quizzes 15% HW/CW 5% Calculation of Grades Tests 55% Lab/Projects 25% Quizzes 15% HW/CW 5%
Some class projects… Dissections Case Studies Webquests Lab experiments Virtual Labs