Maximizing Instructional Time PlPla Focusing on the Middle
Purposes for Strategies Used in the Beginning of a Lesson Build background knowledge about the concept Activate prior knowledge Discuss/ Introduce unfamiliar vocabulary Emphasize important concepts for the day Grab their attention/Set the stage for learning Generate questions/ make predictions Set a purpose for reading, listening, or viewing During our last time together we focused on the beginning of the lessons. We looked at the purposes for beginning strategies. (Have someone read the words in blue) remember how we talked about the energy that these words generate? Let’s look at the purposes for strategies used during (in the middle) of a lesson. Focus first on the blue words. Pull an equity stick and have someone read the blue words. Those are all deep powerful words and all this action takes place in the middle where students minds tend to stray.
Theory: Primacy/Recency The brain remembers what comes first and last – the middle is fuzzy! As we begin today – I want to call your attention to a theory called Primacy/Recency. I first heard about this theory at a Marcia Tate workshop. The theory says (click) Let’s test this theory together… Listen to the following words. When list is completed, have participants write as many words as they can remember. Have participants stand if they have 7 or more words. Have anyone who wrote needle to raise your hand – Why did they write needle when it was not on the list? Read first 5 words – have them put a P beside them if they wrote them down. Read last 4 words and have them put an R beside them. Read middle and have them put M. The rule of Primacy/Recency states that we remember what comes first and last – the middle is fuzzy. Thinking about the theory of Primacy/Recency and what just happened during the last activity – Answer the following question….”What happens in the middle of your lesson?” (answer – deep content – new materials – meat or heart of the lesson)
Primacy – Recency Activity Sharp Suture Thread Syringe Haystack Eye Pin Hurt Injection Point Thimble Pain Button Sewing
Remember: Chunking Text and Time Research on the Brain and Attention Spans tells us that it is very important to chunk the text or the lesson. Grades K - 2 equals 5 – 7 minutes Grades 3 - 7 equals 8 – 15 minutes Grades 8 -12 equals 20 – 25 minutes Remember this slide from 2 lessons ago – it is very important that you chunk both time and text. You have just experienced chunking the text. The middle part of your lesson may last for an hour and contain 3 - 4 different chunks During the middle chunks you may want to consider… -Using graphic organizer tools to organize information -Allowing time for students to discuss each chunk whole group or with partners/small groups -Using movement, games, manipulatives, foldables, etc. during one of the chunks -Use the model of I do, we do, you do as guides for each chunk -Use technology/media/current events
Purposes for Strategies used as a During Lesson Activity Engage with the text Hot Rod, Say Something, Coding the Text, Turn and Talk Verify and formulate predictions Anticipation Guides, Five Word Predictions Summarize text Hot Rod, Read Talk Write, Mega Listeners Self-monitor comprehension Jot chart, 3-2-1,Margin Notes Explore content Key words, Think-Pair-Share, Jig Saw, Quadrant Cards Integrate new information with prior knowledge Insert, KWL So lets look at some strategies that you can use to tie to each purpose. Refer them to their strategies handout. Give them a minute or two to read through them.
GIST Using the article provided, create a summary of a the assigned passage using exactly 20 words Be prepared to share your summary Possible Article: Engagement Equals Success
Teaching is not the presentation of information by the teacher, but the engagement of the learner with the information. Engaging Teens in Their Own Learning
Learning Pyramid HOW WE LEARN 1% 10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 80% 95% 98% Fill out worksheet Reading Assignment Lecture Using only visuals Lecture with visuals Discussion with others USE THE LEARNING PYRAMID – MAKE A COPY OF IT AND PLACE IT IN YOUR LESSON PLAN FOLDER– the more connections you make or various strategies used – the better chance that you will have in making the information will stick. Explore the pyramid with them AND DON’T FORGET THE FUN FACTOR! Teaching/Learning Strategies: -Cooperative Learning -Critical Thinking Questions -Demonstration -Discussion -Guided Practice -Hands on Activity -Interactive Lecture -Note Taking -Problem Solving -Simulation -Project/Presentation Having a personal experience – Making connections (hands on) Teaching someone else Use art, drama, music, movement – Integrated curriculum with content
Can we help students learn hard information if we make it fun for them to do? My question to you is….”Can we…..
Look at Your Lesson: Using the Learning Pyramid, ask yourself the following questions about your last lesson… How many strategies were you able to use? Were you able to connect various strategies to achieve maximum results? Did your lesson include any of the bottom strategies in the pyramid where you get the most “bang for your buck”?