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A I NZ Te Tuhi Pre-visit lesson 3 For Year 1-8 students I AM NZ pre visit lesson 1
Welcome to I AM NZ During this lesson we will explore… Aotearoa NZ drawing home But before we start, let’s recap on what we learnt during our last lesson… Welcome to… Image:
During our last lesson we learnt that artists in Aotearoa NZ… Are inspired to make art that explores Māori myths and stories of Aotearoa NZ. Are creating art that reflects the many unique native birds we have. During our last lesson we learnt that artists in Aotearoa NZ… During our last lesson… Are making art that reminds us to take care of our native plants and animals Are creating art that expresses their identity, culture and memories growing up in Aotearoa NZ. .
Lets start this lesson by exploring Aotearoa NZ drawing home.
During this lesson we will create black and white drawings inspired by Aotearoa NZ. Inspired by print…
Drawing home / Step 1 To start the class must come up with a sentence with the words Aotearoa NZ or New Zealand. This could include… If this is proving to be challenging one alternative is having the same sentence twice. Your sentence will need to be long enough so that everyone in class has a letter. This sentence is now good for a class of 26 students This sentence of 13 letters is good for a class of 13 students I AM AOTEAROA NZ I AM AOTEAROA NZ This sentence of 21 letters is good for a class of 21students I AM AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND This sentence of 25 letters is good for a class of 25 students OUR HOME AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND Drawing home / Step 1… This sentence 23 letters is good for a class of 23 students WE ARE AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND This sentence of 26 letters is good for a class of 26 students OUR PLACE AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND
Drawing home / Step 2 Using a pencil draw your letter on a white A4 piece of paper. When drawing your letter try to make it big and in block writing. Block writing is good because it helps make our letters stand out. Drawing home / Step 2…
Drawing home / Step 3 Soon we will decorate the outside of our letter with drawings showing the identity of Aotearoa NZ. Remember there are many things that we can draw to show how unique Aotearoa NZ is or why we call it home, such as… Māori culture and a mixture of different cultures. Drawing home / Step 3… Snowy mountains, calm lakes, sunny beaches, fun bush walks, parks and camp sites. Festivals, museums, different theme parks, wildlife parks, national parks, and native plants and animals. A place where our family and friends live.
Drawing home / Step 3 cont… To help us get started here is an example… 1. The letter ‘N’ has been drawn in big block writing. 4. The 3rd drawing is of a long finned eel which is unique to Aotearoa NZ. We also have short finned eels too. 2. The 1st drawing is of the NZ fern which is a native plant of Aotearoa NZ and can be seen on many sporting uniforms such as the All Blacks rugby team. 5. To finish I’ve decided to draw the sun, magic fish hook and ropes from the story Maui and the sun. This story was first told among Māori and so this drawing helps express Māori and Māori culture. 3. The 2nd drawing is added showing waves of the ocean. This is to represent the many beautiful beaches we have in Aotearoa NZ and how we love to visit them in the summer. 6. Try to aim for 4 big drawings in total. Drawing home / Step 3 cont…
Bring drawings to Te Tuhi This finished drawing will help make the artworks we produce at Te Tuhi, so its important we bring these drawings with us when we visit Te Tuhi. Bring drawings to Te Tuhi…
Our next lesson will take place at Te Tuhi. As we have seen, there are many great things about Aotearoa NZ we can create drawings about. Our next lesson will take place at Te Tuhi. Drawing home…
During our visit we will use this knowledge to explore the art we see and to inspire the art we make. We hope you enjoyed learning about what makes Aotearora NZ special and the way artists are making art to show this.
We look forward to having you visit the gallery End of lesson