Chapter 30 Sections 4-5 Notes
TET OFFENSIVE Jan 30, 1968 (Vietnamese New Year “Tet”) Truce was called for war to allow for celebrations at the same time many war funerals took place (many coffins in the villages) VC used this a plan to launch a surprise attack, hid weapons in the coffins, on Jan 30 attacked over 100 town in South Vietnam and 12 US air bases, and US embassy in Saigon “Tet Offensive” lasts for one month before US can regain control of areas On the whole US came out better, VC lost 32,000 soldiers, US lost about 3000 Tet shocks Americans who felt they had been led to believe that US was on top of things and war just about over, see that this will be a Lonngggg war, widens credibility gap McNamara resigns, is replaced by Clark Clifford LBJ’s popularity plummets, 60% disapprove of how he is dealing with the war
Election of 1968 Long before Tet Offensive movement had started within Democrat party had started to develop a candidate against LBJ for 1968 election (anti-war group) Many wanted Robert Kennedy (RFK), but says no due to party loyalty Eugene McCarthy (Sen. from Minn) puts hat in the ring, platform is to end Vietnam War (Nov 1967). He is not considered a real contender until the disaster of the Tet Offensive In the New Hampshire Primary: McCarthy gets 42% of vote and LBJ gets 48%. This is seen as defeat for LBJ. RFK then decides to run against LBJ (says public not for him) (March 1968) March 31 1968 LBJ announces plan change in Vietnam, work to end war but continue escalation until then also says he will not seek reelection! Later says that he hated the war because it took away from what he wanted to do, The Great Society Goes back to Texas (dies 1973)
Election of 1968 RFK assassinated in CA on June 5, 1968, had won CA primary, was in town giving speech, leaving hotel shot in kitchen by Sirhan Sirhan (Palestinian immigrant) did so because hated RFK’s policy on Israel Student protests about the Vietnam War increase around college campuses. Seems as if entire nation is tense and ready to explode. After LBJ says he wont run, his VP Hubert Humphrey decides to run. Democrats= McCarthy and Humphrey
Democratic National Convention The Democratic National Convention is held in Chicago in August 1968 (reality was that Humphrey was going to get it, no real voting would occur) Really makes many anti-war activists mad!, Led by SDS (Tom Hayden) nearly 10,000 protestors also show up in Chicago, want Democrat to accept anti-war platform AND some were there to cause problems for Democrat party Richard Daley (mayor of Chicago) wants to keep peace at all costs, calls in National Guard (12,000) and 5,000 police, gets out of hand, protestors are beaten, maced, arrested, etc. ALL with cameras rolling Complete disorder occurs inside and outside convention
Election of 1968--stop Republicans: Richard Nixon Democrats: Hubert Humphrey American Independent: George Wallace (former gov of Alabama, states rights, no desegregation) Nixon wins!
End of Vietnam Summer 1969, Nixon announces start of troop withdrawal from Vietnam Negotiations with North Vietnam to end war were going nowhere: US and South want all North troops to leave South and South leader, Nguyen Van Theiu. North and VC want coalition gov’t (include VC) Nixon and National Security Advisor (Henry Kissinger—international expert, 3 degrees from Harvard) develop Vietnamization plan: Gradual withdrawal of US troops, enable South Vietnamese troops to take over. Establish “peace with honor”, let the US keep its dignity as we back out of war Nixon secretly orders bombing of supply routes and bases in North Vietnam and bombing of Laos and Cambodia (harbors for VC) By August 1969—25,000 troops back in US, over next three years # of troops drops from 500,000 to 25,000
My Lai Nixon believes in “silent majority” (moderate mainstream Americans who quietly support war in Vietnam) Nov 1969: US learns of My Lai Massacre. Occurred on March 16, 1968, US platoon commanded by Lt. William Calley Jr were searching for VC, come up on village of My Lai, find no VC, Calley orders shooting of all villagers (200, old men, kids, women) “Kill anything that breathes”, execution style 25 soldiers charged and Calley (just following orders) Calley convicted, prison
Cambodia 1970, seems war is winding down April 30, 1970, Nixon announces US had invaded Cambodia to cut VC supply chain Clear out Ho Chi Minh Trail Leads to LARGE number of protests (mainly college students) First general college student strike, 1.5 million students closed down about 1200 campuses, if we aren’t at war with Cambodia why are we invading them? Government is lying! Credibility Gap (again)
Student Protests Kent State University, Ohio Student protest leads to burning of ROTC building Mayor calls in National Guard to keep the peace May 4, 1970, guards fired into crowd of protestors (protestors throwing rocks at troops) Wounded 9 and kill 4 (two had not even participated in rally) Massive panic May 14, 1970, similar event happens at Jackson State (Miss), Nat Guard fires into group of protestors, 12 wounded, 2 killed (both bystanders) Many polls show that public supports Nat. Guard, “hippie” protestors got what was coming to them ****Nixon pulls out of Cambodia after 2 months***
Pentagon Papers Congress mad at Nixon for invading Cambodia and bombing without notice Dec 31, 1970, repeals Tonkin Gulf Resolution (no more “blank check”) June 1971 “Pentagon Papers” leaked by Daniel Ellsberg (former Dept of Def worker) 7000 page document written for Robert McNamara (Sec of Def, 67-68), shows govt had drawn up plans for entering war, at same time LBJ had said US was not going to get involved AND never plan to end the war as long as North Vietnam still involved) Published by New York Times
Will it EVER end??? March 1972, North Vietnamese launch largest attack since Tet Offensive Nixon orders massive bombing of Vietnam, and mines laid in Haiphong Harbor, bombings stop attacks but stalemate continues Now Nixon actually takes steps to end war Kissinger and Le Duc Tho (N. Vietnam) meet and agree that all of N. Vietnamese troops don’t have to leave South before the US will withdrawal
Election of 1972 Republicans: Nixon Democrats: George McGovern (says will end war in 90 days) 12 days before election Kissinger announces “peace is at hand” Helps Nixon, he wins! (scandal of election comes later)
War really is going to end South Vietnam (Thieu) rejects peace plan, talks break off Dec 16 Dec 18, US bombs Hanoi and Haiphong (aka the Christmas bombings) Drop 100,000 bombs over 11 days Jan 27, 1973, US signs “Agreement on Ending the War and Resorting Peace in Vietnam March 29, 1973, last of US troops leave Saigon War actually keeps going in Vietnam for years, March 1975 North invades South, South asks for help US sends $$$ only, April 30, 1975 South falls to North
Results Credibility Gap War Powers Act (1973) Goal is to prevent any more “blank checks” 1. President must report to Congress within 48 hours of putting troops in harms way in a foreign country 2. there would be a 60-90 day limit New Isolationism