General Directorate of the Civil Service MEETING CALENDAR Date Meeting Location 27 January Troika Secretariat 1 Madrid 19-20 April HRWG, IPSG and e-Gov 21 April Social Dialogue 6 May Troika Secretariat 2 20 May Troika DG 14 June 54th Meeting of Directors General of the EUPAN Network (RRHH +IPSG +e-Gov) 15 June 54th Meeting of Directors General of the EUPAN Network (Social Dialogue) General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service LOGISTICS Due to the economic situation and following the general instructions given by the Spanish Govermnent, EUPAN program is affected as follows: Reduced number of meetings. Location of activities in Madrid. Joint sessions in working group and DG’s meetings. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service WHERE WE ARE The Czeck Republic Presidency: accomplishment of the last adopted Medium Term Program and approval of the new EUPAN Handbook. The Swedish Presidency: adoption of the Medium Term Priorities and the new Work Programmes. The Spanish Presidency: start point of the new eighteen months MTP+WP, together with the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service GUIDELINES Designed by the Troika+Hungarian Presidency To be adopted on the 53rd DG’s meeting: An Administration serving the citizens. A perfoming Public Administration. A sustainable Public Administration. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service HUMAN RESOURCES WG The objectives are to deepen in the analysis of how to: Achieve goals in adjusted time, using as fewer resources as possible. Have a sustainable Administration capable of delivering services in every situation. Find the tools for reaching the maximum performance in the design of the organisation posts assigment and staff distribution. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service SOCIAL DIALOGUE On the 53rd Meeting of the Directors General of the EUPAN Network a Resolution will be adopted on the Social Dialogue Working Group test phase. This Resolution will define the future of the relations between EUPAN and Trade Unions National European Delegation (TUNED). The Spanish Presidency has therefore saved time and room for possible meetings. Contents of the working program shall be defined on the basis of a final decission. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service INPUTS International organisations. Research and academic institutions. European Commission. University. National experts. General Directorate of the Civil Service
General Directorate of the Civil Service SPANISH TEAM José Martín Arahuetes (Director General of the Civil Service). Isabel Hernández Fdez. del Valle (Deputy Director General of Relations with other Administrations). Emilio Viciana Duro (Head of Sector of Relations with other Administrations). Iciar Pérez-Baroja Verde (Legal Adviser General Directorate of the Civil Service). Guillermo Olagüe Sánchez (Deputy Director General of Labour Relations). Jesús Etayo Yabar (Head of Sector of Relations with other Administrations). Enrique Núñez Morgades (Head of Sector of Relations with other Administrations). Cristina Junco Petrement (Logistic manager). Ángel Martín Segundo (Technical manager). Mª Jesús Pérez Gallego (Technical manager). Juana Sánchez Díaz (Administrative support). General Directorate of the Civil Service