Regulatory Framework Asia Pacific region Tasso Tzioumis Australia Telescope National Facility 11 June 2002
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Asia Pacific Region Primarily ITU Region 3 Asia-Pacific Area excluding the Americas (region 2 – CITEL, CORF) Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia Pacific region (RAFCAP) Pacific Telecommunications Council (includes the Americas!) 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank References CRAF handbook for frequency management Web pages APT RAFCAP (under construction) PTC (Links from CRAF pages) 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
National Administrations Region diverse in languages and cultures Mostly single Communications Administration e.g. Australian Communications Authority (ACA) Cover all ITU sectors Web pages – often difficult due to language (East Asia – Chinese script) 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank APT – 1 Asia Pacific Telecommunity The MAJOR spectrum organisation in the region Treaty level inter-governmental agreement National communications ministries or communication administrations Established in 1979 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank APT – 2 32 full members 4 associate members 50 affiliate members – providers of telecommunication services in the region Resolution to invite private and government sector companies and organisations 46 companies/organisations 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank APT Objectives To Correlate Planning, Programming and Development of Telecommunication Networks; To Promote the Implementation of all Agreed Networks; To Assist in Development of National Components of Efficient Networks; To Foster Co-ordination within the Region of Technical Standards and Routing Plans; To Seek Adoption of Efficient Operating Methods in Regional Telecommunication Service. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Furtherance Technical and other studies, with ITU; Exchange of information, technical experts and other specialized personnel; Feasibility of transfer of technology; Provision of short-term technical assistance; Assessment of personnel and training needs; Regional telecommunication training institutes; Formulation and implementation of bilateral or multilateral telecommunication programmes. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Study Groups For the Study Cycle 2000 - 2002, there are four Study Groups: Study Group 1: Policy & Regulation Study Group 2: Network Study Group 3: New Services towards Business Creation Study Group 4: Internet & E-Commerce -- currently dealing with 19 Study Questions, ranging over large variety of issues 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Work Programme APT General Assembly Management C.ttee Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure (AII) - 29 AII pilot projects Industry and Users’ Forum (cf ITU-D Private Sector Forum) Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Standardisation Program (ASTAP) forum 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Impact on ITU APT is very active and successful in ITU fora. World Telecommunication Policy Forum ITU Plenipotentiary Conference ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) APT Preparatory Group (APG) – develops regional positions for WRCs APT plays a major regional coordinating role in ITU meetings and processes. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
APT and Radio Astronomy Main forum has been the APG meeting in preparation for WRCs Formulation of coordinated regional positions on WRC agenda items Radio Astronomy participation through National delegations E.g. support of “Allocations above 71 GHz” in WRC2000. Position also coordinated with CEPT and CITEL. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Need for regional RAS entity Need to have regional RAS input to APT (cf. CRAF and CEPT) Need regional RAS organisation in the Asia Pacific region Hence formation of RAFCAP (Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia Pacific region) at the regional URSI meeting AP-RASC’01 (August 2001, Tokyo). 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank RAFCAP RAFCAP acts as the scientific expert committee on frequency issues for the Asia-Pacific radio astronomy and related sciences. The mission of RAFCAP is: (a) to keep the frequency bands used for radio astronomical observations free from interference. (b) to argue the scientific needs of radio astronomy for continued access to and availability of the radio spectrum for radio astronomy within the Asia-Pacific region. (c) to support related science communities in their needs of interference-free radio frequency bands for passive use. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank RAFCAP membership Chairperson -- Masatoshi Ohishi (NAO, Japan) Secretary -- Tasso Tzioumis (ATNF, Australia) Makoto Inoue (NRO, NAO, Japan) S. Ananthakrishnan and T.L. Venkatasubramani (GMRT, TIFR, India) Uday Shankar (RRI, India) X. Hong (Shanghai Obs. China) S. Wu (National Astr. Obs., China) H.S. Chung (Korea Astr. Obs., South Korea) Jeremy Lim (IAA, Chinese Taipei) 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank RAFCAP info ** under construction ** Modelled on CRAF Main target is APT meetings 1st RAFCAP meeting at APG2003-4 in Korea (August 2002) -- [APG-3 on now!!] 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank RAFCAP special issues Diverse regional cultures and languages Financial support directly from RAS observatories (no equivalent to ESF) Need more visibility and participation Must increase Chinese involvement All help is welcome Wish us luck….. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) Unique organisation, founded in 1980 Asia-Pacific + Americas International, non-profit, non-governmental membership organisation Forum for providers and users of communication services 650 members 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank PTC Objectives – 1 To provide a forum for discussion and the interchange of information, ideas, and the expression of views regarding telecommunications and related aspects of the information society and economy in the Pacific for a multi-faceted, diverse body including policy-makers, planners, regulators, users, researchers, academics, and providers of equipment, software and content; To promote the general awareness of the varied telecommunication requirements of the Pacific area; 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank PTC Objectives – 2 To organize conferences and seminars to promote the free flow and interchange of the varied views and requirements of the Pacific area and to address specific telecommunication issues to assist in solving near-term and future issues; and To communicate viewpoints and recommendations of the Council to the established national, regional, and international organizations responsible for policies in telecommunications. 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank PTC conferences PTC Annual Conference – January PTC2002 (Hawaii) – “Next Generation Communications: Making IT Work” PTC2003 – “Global Broadband – Global Challenges” PTC mid-year 2002 – “Building Strong Partnerships” WWW2002 & WWW2003 conferences 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank
Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank Summary Asia-Pacific region organisations: APT – vigorous involvement RAFCAP – new PTC – unique and general 25/11/2018 Tasso Tzioumis Greenbank