Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept. 17-21, 2018 ELA: Dudley/Burns: We will continue reading Steal Away Home. Look for vocabulary in binder over chapters 15-31. Test tentatively scheduled for September 25th. Marrero: We will finish our short story this week titled, “Hattie’s Birthday Box.” Vocabulary in binder. Test Tuesday. 1st Nine Week Language Skills: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, commas in a series, context clues, Greek and Latin roots SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 4-H mtg. TUESDAY: Marrero ELA Test; GT will see Mrs. Fortson ½ day today. WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: $1.00 dress down for CURE Math: This week we will continue to work on decimals. We will work on comparing and ordering decimals, equivalent decimals, and rounding decimals. Students will complete the mid unit 2 study guide on Thursday. Students will take their mid unit 2 test on Wednesday, September 26th. SCIENCE: Students will continue to review and learn about electricity and magnetism. Unit 2 assessment is tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 21st. SS: This week we will focus on America after WWI. Students will learn about the 1920’s including the Jazz Age, the Harlem Renaissance, Babe Ruth, Louis Armstrong, Langston Hughes and Henry Ford. Unit assessment is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 26th.