THE “ONCE-ONLY” PRINCIPLE IN GREECE Marina Saraki - Sofia Papadaki Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction Crete, 17-18/05/2018
THE ONCE - ONLY PRINCIPLE EX OFFICIO SEARCH OF DOCUMENTS Administration, rather than the citizen, circulates or retrieves documents and information to and from competent authorities Prerequisite : The existence of information within Administration Limitations : - Personal data protection - Degree of digitalization
EX-OFFICIO SEARCH OF DOCUMENTS It is the Greek equivalent to the “Once-Only Principle” Its conceptualization goes as far back as 1986 Refers to the internal (within Administration) retrieval of documents and sharing of information
Law 1599/1986 (article 13) Determined that for specific procedures, documents such as certificates and statements would be delivered by public services –not by citizens Such procedures would be determined by Common Ministerial Acts Remained inactive. Reasons? Perhaps Administration an Society not mature yet
Law 3242/2004 (Article 5) Ex–officio search of documents is referred to as such, in article 5, par. 2.c. Terminology acquired Similar process to Law 1599/1986 (by Common Ministerial Acts) Citizen’s consent required Strong political support
LAW 3242/2004 (cont’d) IMPLEMENTATION In total, approximately 225 documents and certificates have been included in “Ex officio search” 185 with citizen consent Documents and certificates circulated by fax machines within public services Most successful case: Certificate of criminal record. Reason? Ministry of Justice responded with own measures
EVALUATION OF MEASURE Difficulties in implementation due to hesitancy of public servants to respond to new law Citizens often asked to submit documents themselves Deficient data given by services However, a “success story” in total
LAW 4325/2015 (1/2) A new era begins Article 12 Horizontal application of ex officio search Includes all documents and certificates issued by public services, local authorities and public law bodies that are required as supporting documents for the issuance of an administrative act All available means are used Ex officio search of documents is obligatorily carried out electronically. Prerequisite: Interoperability of public bodies’ IT systems or registries
LAW 4325/2015 (2/2) Special Provisions Citizens wishing to submit certificates themselves still able to do so Law allows for exemptions by issuance of Common Ministerial Acts in cases of public bodies with high workload. Sufficient explanation of reasons leading to exemption is required
LAW 4325/2015 Implementation 1. Enrolment to primary school Abolition of submission of birth certificate through the interconnection of the information systems of the National Register and the Education Information System (myschool) Abolition of issuance of 250.000 certificates annually (corresponding to 40.000 working hours and 5.704 working days)
LAW 4325/2015 Implementation 2. Provision of family allowance Abolition of submission of marital status certificate through the interconnection of the information systems of the National Register and the Information System of the Welfare Allowances’ Organization (OPEKA) Abolition of issuance of 900.000 marital status certificates only for the year 2017
Citizens Registry Operates since 22-1-2018 More than 1.845.000 transactions till today Hellenic Police Passport issuance Ministry of Foreign Affairs Passport issuance for emigrants Citizens Registry Ministry of Interior Ministry of Education Enrolment to primary education Welfare Allowances Organization Provision of family allowance
Lessons learnt I. Opportunities II. Limitations Lawfulness, fairness, transparency Prompt and uniform service Reduction of time and cost for administration, citizens and businesses Accuracy and authenticity of data information Degree of interoperability of IT systems: still quite low Citizens and public servants still not familiar with electronic services Citizens’ and public administration’s reluctance to change