Welcome To Kindergarten
Schedule Mon~ 12:00-1:30 Music /PE please wear tennis shoes Tues~ 12:45-1:30 Music Wed~ 12:45-1:30 PE Thurs~ 12:00-12:45 Art Fri~ 12-00-12:45 PE ** We also have library on Friday!!
Mrs. Williams Email~ jiwilliams@kleinisd.net email is the best way to reach me during the day.. Phone~832-484-7733
Folders Tuesday folders are due on Wednesday. Please sign and return. Please take papers out and keep at home. Homework folders are giving on Monday and return on Friday! This should give everyone time to do their work! I understand everyone has other obligations during the week.
Reading Please READ everyday! It is sooo important !! Please review sight words everyday! This will help your child with reading!
Transportation Car riders- Car riders are picked up on the driveway in front of the gym. Make sure you post your child’s first name, last name, and grade in the window. *** If your child has a sibling in 4th or 5th grade, then he or she will meet the sibling by the office and both will be picked up in the front drive of the school. Please let me know if this is your situation! Walkers- If your child is a walker, he/she will be released on the far south side of the building behind the gym. Bus riders and Daycare- These students go to the cafeteria to load the buses. Koala Kare- These students go to the cafeteria.
Grades Conduct Grades: Blue- Excellent (E) Conduct Grades: Blue- Excellent (E) Green- Satisfactory/ Verbal Warnings (S) Yellow- Lose 5 minutes of classroom activities(S-) Orange- Note/ call home (N) Red- Office Referral (U) Academic Grades : E+ = 96 - 100 Advanced E = 90 – 95 Exceeds Expectations S+ = 85 – 90 Meets Expectations S = 80 – 84 Approaching Expectations N = 70 – 79 Below Expectations U = 69 and below (experiencing difficulties)
Lunch and Snack Lunch Our lunch time is 11:15-11:45a.m. Student lunch is $1.85. You may deposit money into your child’s lunch account by sending a check or cash with your child. If you would like to eat lunch with your child, please sign in at the office and meet us in the cafeteria. Snack: We will have snack time each day. Please send a nutritious snack for your child. No chips, cookies, snack cakes or candy, please. You may send a water bottle with a pop up lid (no screw tops allowed). No other drinks are allowed in the classroom.
Medicine If your child needs to take medicine, please take it to the school nurse. Your child will have to go to her in order to take it. This includes cough drops!
Newsletters This will come home weekly until October and include homework assignments and special activities. A copy will be posted on the website. Beginning in October, the website will be your only source of information. If you do not have computer access, please let me know. I also post pictures of our day! These are fun to look at on there.I also will make powerpoints that the kids and I make together!
Birthdays -If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, you must purchase cookies or cupcakes from the cafeteria. You may not bring in outside treats. Contact Food Services a few days ahead to order the treats. -If you would like to pass out invitations at school, you must send one for each child. For security purposes, I am not allowed to send home a class list; however, your child can write down everyone’s name and take it home.
It’s going to be a great year!!