Todays Goals Review Rock Cycle Review Plate Tectonics Describe the rock cycle Know the three types of rocks and how they are formed Review Plate Tectonics Be able to explain why tectonic plates move and describe some evidence for this
Type of Rock Igneous Rock Form when magma hardens beneath the Earth’s surface Granite is a type of igneous rock
Type of Rock Sedimentary Rock Do not form from pressure and heat They form when minerals or organic particles settle and accumulate in rivers, streams and oceans This is known as sedimentation Sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock
Type of Rock Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have "morphed" into another kind of rock. They were once igneous or sedimentary rocks. How does this change occur? The rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat build up, and this causes them to change. Marble is a type of metamorphic rock