More from Daniel. Previous consideration of Dan 2 and 7 showed fourth Empire to be Rome. Represented by beast which is to continue in some form until coming of Jesus. Such O.T. knowledge of ‘beast with 10 horns as standing for Rome’, can be used to recognize significance when it occurs again in the Revelation. OLD TESTAMENT BACKGROUND The dream which King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had in the time of the prophet Daniel has already been discussed and it concluded that by a consideration of Daniel ch.2 & 7 side by side, that there was to arise a fourth wild beast in history, which is clearly the Roman empire. v.8 is different - this horn comes out of the Roman empire.
A Little Horn. “8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Dan 7.
Saints Possess The Kingdom. “21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Daniel 7 Dan.7:21,22- The horn will wear out the saints until the Ancient of Days comes. This beast is to continue its existence in the form of ‘horns’ ‘until thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit’ (Daniel 7:9) and until its ‘body’ is finally slain after judgment is pronounced against it (verses 10 and 11; also 26,27). The Roman beast must continue its existence in some form therefore, until the coming of the great judge, Jesus Christ (Acts 17:31). Incidentally, the implication of this is that as Jesus Christ has not yet come, and judgment has not yet been given to the saints (Dan.7:22), this formidable power must still be at large. It has an existence today! Having told us the meaning and significance of a particular symbol, the Scripture does not repeat the explanation every time that symbol is referred to. So having learnt that the ten-horned beast is a representation of ‘the fourth kingdom upon earth’ that is, the Roman empire; it can be recognized when it appears elsewhere in the Bible, as for example in the Book of Revelation. The book of Daniel provides a key which can be used to unlock the meaning of the ten-horned beast in its various forms in the Book of Revelation.
The Roman Beast System. In the Revelation ten horned Roman beast appears in several forms over the period of its existence. Book predicts continuing story of Daniel’s fourth, or Roman beast system throughout its total career. Story begins in Apostle John’s time with Roman Empire - ends in defeat by the ‘Lamb’ at his appearance - yet future. Here the ten-horned beast appears in several different guises - always recognizable by his tell-tale ten horns and standing for the Roman system, at the different stages of its history. The next chart broadly indicates the continuing story-line of the ten-horned beast right up until the coming of the Ancient of Days.
Helps us to understand what Revelation is all about - contains continuing story of Daniel’s fourth, or Roman, beast = good reason why the 4th beast is not described in detail in Daniel - because it changes its appearance. As if photos taken as beast grows up – embryo, child, teenager, adult. Then in old age – little resemblance at first sight to earlier ones – yet same person. Story begins in Apostle John’s time with Roman Empire and ends in war with the Lamb and his followers, when the system is overcome and destroyed. Career of beast long & continuous, spanning history right up to modern times. Like a long scroll of events, many of which are now in the past, but also with many still to come.
What Daniel Did Not Know. Daniel not given interpretation of his dream of beasts - this to be closed up and “sealed” “until the time of the end.” (Dan.12:9) That time likely to be end of the Jewish Age - AD 70. An unsealing of that which had been sealed is identified in Revelation, “a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals.” (Rev.5:1). At the end of Daniel’s prophecy he was told that the full explanation of all that he had seen would not be given ‘until the time of the end’ for the words would be closed up and sealed (Dan.12:9) This needs qualifying - the time of the end of what? It could mean the time of the end of all things - the end of Gentile times - but by then it would have lost the point; of which Jesus reminds us on several occasions: “And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe” (John 14:29). i.e. it would be too late for the hearers to have time to develop their belief. Daniel wanted to know Dan.12:8 - For many people, it is a very moving thing to discover that this knowledge, closed up and sealed - reappears in - it is inspiring to see there a scroll sealed up. It was going to remain sealed to Daniel until the Revelation given to John showing how the Bible ties up as between Old and New Testaments. Now was the time of the end of the Jewish dominions, after AD 70 - God’s time of the end had arrived. “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.” (Rev.5:1) Here the scroll is given to Jesus, as he has gained the authority to now at long last, unseal it.
“Unsealing” by Revelation. Things partly revealed to Daniel - are explained further at close of Jewish age, in first century AD. Book of Revelation symbolically ‘unseals’ that hidden from Daniel. After Jesus, events progress according to Father’s plan. Seals are unloosed - events move forward just as scroll might be unrolled. (Rev.6) It could be concluded that the things revealed to Daniel were explained further at the close of the Jewish age, in the first century AD and that the book of Revelation symbolically is ‘unsealing’ these things that were hidden from Daniel. After some six hundred years a significant proportion of Daniel’s prophecy had been fulfilled,. Now the Lord Jesus Christ himself had been revealed. His victory opened up the means by which God’s purpose would be brought to a completion. In other words, events could move ahead according to the Father’s plan. As the seals are unloosed in Revelation chapter 6 this is what happens, and events move forward just as one might unroll a scroll.