Office of Emergency Communications Briefing to NPSTC Mr. Greg Garcia Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security and Communications Col Victoria Velez, USAF Acting Director
OEC: What is it? Homeland Security Act, 2007-- Title XVIII Mandates Transfer of 3 Programs Office of Emergency Communications Research Development Testing Evaluation Standards IWN / WMO Joint DHS/DOJ/DOT project for consolidated wireless activities Technical Assistance to recipients of DHS grants Non-OEC SAFECOM Capabilities Policy/Guidance development for strengthening interoperable communications Our Mission Statement: The OEC supports and promotes the ability of emergency responders and government officials to continue to communicate in the event of natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters, and works to ensure, accelerate, and attain interoperable and operable emergency communications nationwide.
Some OEC Roles and Responsibilities Establish capabilities supporting seamless, interoperable communications across government at all levels Administer SAFECOM, ICTAP, and IWN Close collaboration with S&T and FEMA Conduct outreach and foster development of interoperable emergency communications capabilities by State, local, tribal governments (S/L/T) Provide Technical Assistance (TA) in the use of interoperable emergency communications to S/L/T Promote Standard Operating Procedures, Best Practices, and tools for incident response interoperable emergency communications capabilities Support the Executive Branch as required And we’re already working tough issues…
Statewide Plans are due to DHS on 1 Nov 07!! Public Safety Interoperability Communications (PSIC) Grants and Statewide Plans OEC is participating in the PSIC Grant process with FEMA and NTIA Includes support to Statewide Communications Interoperability Plans (SCIP) OEC will: Provide Technical Assistance (TA) upon request Provide feedback on draft SCIP plans submitted on 30 Sep 07 Anticipated turnaround of comments expected within 14 days Participate in Peer Reviews (w/FEMA) to evaluate and approve SCIPs Provide TA after SCIP are approved, if needed Statewide Plans are due to DHS on 1 Nov 07!!
Technical Assistance OEC/ICTAP will provide technical assistance to support the development of SCIPs Assistance will be tailored to the needs of the individual State or territory, and may include: Evaluating existing SCIPs (if applicable) Supporting statewide plan workshops to review and modify draft plan Assisting with Investment Justifications Providing guidance for addressing the criteria outlined in the Guidebook as well as PSIC specific requirements Providing CASM training
Combined PSIC and SCIP Timeline Key Activities and Dates FY 2007 FY 2008 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q Release Grant Guidance Package and Funding Allocation NTIA and DHS Sign PSIC MOU Deploy Technical Assistance (Ongoing) Review Preliminary Statewide Plans Provide Feedback to States / Territories Statewide Planning Workshop Peer Review Final Plans--Provide Feedback to States/Territories Provide TA As Needed for PSIC and HSG Federal Activities 5% Funding Accessible For Use Complete Review of Grant Guidance JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR State/Territory Activities Attend Statewide Planning Workshop If Plan Needs Additional Work Submit Updated Plan Submit Preliminary Statewide Plans (Optional) Request Technical Assistance Request / Receive Technical Assistance For Statewide Plans Submit Narratives, Forms, and Applications Deadline for Submitting Final Statewide Plans - OEC Activity As of 11 May 07
National Communications Baseline Assessment To get to where you need to go,…you have to know where you are! The National Communications Baseline Assessment is currently due for completion by 1 Oct 07 But, SCIPs are due November 1st… OEC will take a two-phased approach to ensure inclusion of the SCIP information Once completed, DHS will have a better understanding of: A range of capabilities needed by the emergency response providers and relevant government entities First responder needs vice current capabilities Federal, State, local, and tribal government needs vice current capabilities Seams, gaps, obstacles existing in the emergency communications realm
National Emergency Communications Plan As mandated by Congress, OEC will develop a National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP): Done in cooperation with: State, local, and tribal governments Federal Departments and Agencies Emergency response practioners Private sector NECP will provide recommendations to support and promote the ability of practitioners and relevant government officials to continue to communicate in an event NECP will ensure, accelerate, and attain interoperable emergency communications nationwide
To the proud members of the NPSTC: Here’s to many, many more! Happy 10th Anniversary!! Here’s to many, many more! From the OEC Team