Native Plant Society of New Mexico Albuquerque Chapter Conservation Committee March 28, 2018 Pecos Sunflower
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The worldwide distribution of Holy Ghost ipomopsis (Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus), a federally endangered plant, is limited to a 2-mile stretch of Holy Ghost Canyon on the Santa Fe National Forest in north-central New Mexico...... ….along a road to a campground in a canyon developed for summer homes. Road maintenance, recreation and associated traffic, and catastrophic forest fire are immediate management concerns …….. the species is highly palatable to wildlife and livestock.
Apache plume (Fallugia paradoxa), purple thistles (Cirsium undulatum), chocolate flower (Berlanadiera lyrata), desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), tansy aster (Machaeranthera tanacetifolia)
Now, see El Oso
Bob Sivinski: “A cienega is like an oasis in a desert that that provides habitat for many unique native plants and animals. By preserving Blue Hole Cienega, we’re protecting a rare habitat and providing a way to help the Pecos Sunflower recover its population. Our goal is to be able to remove this plant from the endangered and threatened lists.
Little Water Canyon, Zuni Mnts Intact riparian area in Little Water Canyon
Compromised riparian and meadow area in Little Water Canyon